eUK Military, Paratroopers

Day 694, 10:37 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by ben clew

The eUnited Kingdom (eUK) paratroopers are the eUK’s mobile forces. Introduced in March 2008 by the Minister of Defence (MoD) at the time, Tarquin, they were then comprised of three platoons, one led by Tarquin himself while the others were under Widdows9000 – who was later to become the paratrooper Commanding Officer (CO), MoD and then presidential candidate – and Wougle. These three platoons were made up of eleven paratroopers each.

The paratroopers impacted heavily on not only the eUK but also other eRepublik countries at the time. Together with the Reserves, they formed the eUK’s military which was heralded as one of the most organised of its day. While small and untested, it had a rigid structure. Having a mobile army meant that the eUK could play an international role in the newly introduced war module. One of the major factors of the eUK’s involvement in the Northern Alliance treaty was our military capacity, as it made us a worthwhile ally. The paratrooper division was a large part in this due to its higher strength and funds, and later the manoeuvrability to regions with higher quality hospitals.

The paratroopers have since been developed beyond what they originally were, and have become a much more effective and even more useful force. They are now divided into four regular platoons, a Belgian platoon and an Elite platoon. The Elites are a group of the ten best paratroopers, according to an efficiency formula which takes into account fighting abilities and forum activity. Activity is a key part of this formula, as the most effective paratroopers will regularly check their orders on the forums and also keep up to date with current affairs, so that they know to prepare in case of an upcoming war. The reform into this system was an initiative by Big Boy Bulley, who shortly after was made paratrooper CO due to this effort.

The current setup allows a lot more fluidity than the old one. The main benefit is that it allows the eUK to see who their most effective soldiers are so that they can be better equipped, however another large advantage is the ability to split up the platoons in case of multiple wars. An example of this usage was in the second Sweden-Germany war, which was the first to implement this setup; the War Council, under the guidance of MoD Widdows9000, elected to send the main platoons to fight in the second Indonesia-South Africa war while the Elites remained in Sweden. This was highly effective, as in Sweden the paratroopers were fighting offensively, putting all but the best at a disadvantage. It allowed us to fight for the values which we had promised to uphold when intervening in the original South African war and continue to aid our allies in Sweden; indeed, the Elites were responsible for capturing at least three regions in that war.

Entry requirements

8.5+ Strength and High forum activity.

Having a well organised army including a mobile division has proven to be extremely beneficial to the eUK. One current example of this is in the UK-France war, where the paratroopers have provided the majority of the force applied to these battles. They are also useful in foreign affairs, as the eUK are capable of backing up their allies, such as ATLANTIS, with military might, and are also able to influence other wars internationally without needing Mutual Protection Pacts. However, perhaps the greatest advantage that they offer, considering that eRepublik is a game, is the fact that due to the paratroopers, eUK citizens are motivated to get more involved in the country and are able to take on a more active role in wars once they reach a certain strength level. This is key to their enjoyment of the game.

In conclusion, the eUK paratrooper division has been a key feature in the nation’s success internationally, as well as improving the military capacity of many of their citizens. It has proven to give them success in multiple wars and a reputation as one of the stronger countries in eRepublik. Due to the paratroopers, the eUK is also one of the more fun countries to live in.