eUK has a new President

Day 460, 09:53 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by CV James

Another day, not much change in eUK for many. Except that today, eUK has a new President.

Pomp and Circumstance was spared for the inauguration of JerryGFL, runner up in the last elections held on the 5th February, who took the reigns of power following a successful impeachment vote in Congress.

He succeeds Final Destiny, who won in the last elections but has mysteriously disappeared from the face of eRepublik. No one has heard from him since he won under the "Coalition" banner at the beginning of the month, something very unlike Final Destiny.

In the vacuum period, Big Boy Bulley, the announced running-mate to Final Destiny has been able to access the Presidential account in case of a national emergency.

The successful vote won 24 to 4, following last week's first impeachment crisis, proposed by Congressman Dan Fallows which due to a Parliamentary loophole aimed to prevent any impeachment.

Preparations are already being made for the next Presidential election, scheduled for 5th March.

In the meantime, we wish jerryGFL the best of luck in establishing his temporary administration.

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