eSouth Australia joins the eVictorian Invastion.

Day 689, 08:17 Published in Australia Australia by stewstoyc

The time has come, Scotywest the Thane of eSouth Australia has ordered and attack from the west side of eVictoria. As the eSouth Australian's main religion is Cozlam they will fight from the west, where the Cozlam's from eTasmania with fight from the south. Also with help from the North will come the Zannites.

eSouth Australia Preparing for Battle.

With the new eSouth Australian weapons there will be no defeat!

eSouth Australian Attack Plans

With a thought out attack plan, eSouth Australia looks to be in good form.

eSouth Australia expects anything but defeat in the times of war, they will not surrender, they will not retreat! TO DEATH!

Thane of eSouth Australia
Cozlam Warrior

Other war Stories:
The Battle For eVictoria
TC Forces Second Strike
Take the Power Back!