eSouth Africa Lives!

Day 842, 03:14 Published in South Africa South Africa by eSouth African Presidency

Good Afternoon South Africa

Firstly let me start off by saying that eSouth Africa lives, and will always survive as long as we never give up. Some players have left the game, which technically hurts us more, and we need the people and the resources to get our country back.

Secondly some minor changes to the governmental ministries:

CoS of SAAF and acting VP : Zamrg
Minister of Defence : Greyhunter (Open for grabs!)
Minister of Finance : Lazer Fazer
Minister of Security : Mulderpf
Minister of Foreign Affairs : Remon777
Minister of Social Affairs : Wingfield
MInister of Trade : Tronyx
Reserve Bank Governor : Enoch Root

I welcome all the new members onto the team, and look forward in seeing you put eSouth Africa as your number one priority.

You will hear propaganda and other nonsense from Brazil, Argentina etc.. however have faith citizens. Our allies Australia are standing by our side, and we will work together through these dark times.

Note: Please can you subscibe to this org for TRUE and RELIABLE updates on the situation, as well as the Ministry of Defence- SA newspaper, and the SAAF newspaper linked below:

eSA Ministry of Defence

SAAF Newspaper

The South African Armed Forces are looking to recruit. Please join the ranks of your countrymen and help us to make bring eSouth Africa back to its people.">Click Here to Enlist

Yours faithfully

Acting eSA President