eSouth Africa Congress election October 2010

Day 1,061, 06:51 Published in South Africa South Africa by eSA Ministry of Security

Anyone wanting to run for Congress, please read on.

It is very important that you contact your party president and myself (wingfield) if you want to run for Congress. We intend to challenge again to retake the country this month, so make sure you get into contact with people BEFORE placing your candidacy for congress.

It is very important that you declare your interest both with us and on the forum, AS SOON AS POSSIBLE!

We cannot endorse any candidate who does not seek clearance before nominations close.

In addition, please try to avoid moving between regions at this stage, unless you are leaving the country to fight overseas. In that case, try to remember in which region you were.

We also need several volunteers to help with the Congress election. Please send me a PM if you wish to help out. I will then provide info by PM about what you will be asked to do.

Minister of Security

Long live eSouth Africa!