
Day 817, 16:24 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Comrade_Callum

Theoretically eSocialism could exist in its true form?

The government could nationalise all companies and pay a flat rate for wages(eg 1 gold for Skill 1, 2 gold for skill 2 etc). However in reality would this really benefit a country?
It is likey higher level players who understand the game would leave the country, higher leveled players tend to have a greater urge to make money and wish to own companies to further this goal [citation needed].
However with a flat wage rate the economy would be encredibly stable, fluxuations would not occur naturally and a outside force would have to invest alot of time and effort to change this.
Of course how to keep companies nationalised? What would prevent private companies sprining up whenever a player gets his first 20 gold? Of course the answer is simple, the private company would have to give higher wages than the flat rate to attract workers and then sell products at a lower rate. Assuming the nationalised companies are not trying to make a profit the private company will slowly die, however a significant number of players could attack a eSocialist country in this way and with the right backing could destroy a countries economy?

Stable or Stagnant? Its really a matter of opinion 😉

Assuming the economy was nationalised there will obviously be the problem of corruption(sigh). A countries preisdent can manipulate their country in such a way that a tidy trickle of money falls into their account. Even worse asuming the entire congress could see that they could make money from this egoistic ideas could take over the entire political system.
The answer to this is not currently available in eRepublik, if citizens of a entire country were able to vote on matters which are currently dealt with in congrees then if corruption was to emerge the citizens of a country would be able to strike down their leaders quickly and appoint a new more intelligent and kind leader.
As we have seen in real life the leaders of many socialist countries take advantage of their situation and build huge palaces to live in while the average man lives in poor conditions however if citizens in eRepublik were to be able directly vote on issues then this problem would be solved.

Of course the problem of many citizens leaving will be a huge problem. The solution to this? Communists, Socialist, Anarchists from across the eWorld would repopulate the country to prove to the world that socialism can work. I have no idea of the number of leftwingers in the eWorld, i hope it numbers over 10,000 but it may be less than 1,000. Who can tell. And of course natural human instincts that we are currently burdened with may drive away even these comrades, the urge to grow and become better than those around you is very strong and many who's hearts are not truly set upon equality may fall away.

The stigma surrounding socialism is that it crushes public opinion. This is a lie! In RL we have seen many AUTHORITARIAN socialist societies (like China of the USSR). Socialism does not need to be like this, it can be very liberal with every person being capable of expressing his/her views. Interpretation of Marx's theories may allow us to see that the Authoritarian stage is simply a stage and after this stage a period of self determination will emerge which has not been seen in our modern day democracies.

Also eSocialism would benefit the country, with the existance of non profit companies it is clear that these companies will infact be making a profit and this money would be directly invested into the country. With the power of the entire economy a country could advance very quickly allowing many Q5 hospitals and defence systems to be established. Naturally taxes would no longer exist. Also a countries military might would be encredibly powerful as the entire countries economy would be behind it allowing the country to be secure and have a chance to expand socialism beyond its borders?

This idea is entirely theoretical and is just a idea, admin would have to make several changes to the current eRepublik system before it could happen. Any comments/suggestions/corrections would be appreciated 😃

And also thankyou to anyone who reads this article, may your mind be liberated and the truth finally be revealed to you