eSAAF Important News and Updates

Day 696, 12:38 Published in South Africa South Africa by South African Armed Forces
Resistance War in Malaysia

There is currently a resistance war going on in North-Eastern Thailand, Malaysia.

The Malaysian's aren't too worried about this and neither am I. However, if any eSAAF soldiers wish to fight then please PM South African Armed Forces for weapons and/or MTs.

eSAAF newspaper

As has been shown by the changeover in MoInfo things get missed in handovers. Now the fact that no eSAAF article has gone out through the MoInfo isn't down to this. It is down to me not having had lots of PC time over the last couple of days or so due to RL. This has meant that I have targeted certain aspects of the game and not others. My candidature of the KSA party was not one of them. That took seconds to do and then I pretty much ignored it aside from an hour last night. I admit I should have been lookign at other things. What I did find out yesterday is that had I submitted an article to the new MoInfo he would have known nothing about it.

With this in mind I am resurrecting eServamus as THE newspaper for the eSAAF. It means that I can react to situations a lot quicker than if I have to wait for other people to get their PMs etc. It also means I can send articles out when I write them. Update articles are not a priority so they don't matter quite so much, but other articles might. To keep things simples ALL eSAAF articles by me will now go through this paper.

eSAAF Update

We have a new small elite division led by Dreadnuts the Mighty. This is still in its infancy so with all things is having its good days and its bad days. Mainly good I hasten to add. The soldiers are highly skilled and trained, but the time differences have played havoc. As has RL again.

Shock Troopers
This is headed by Maelyn. We have two Companies, each of which now have their own CO. i woudl just like to take this opportunity to congratulate Tronyx on their promotion. I will get round to sorting the *eSAAF forum* side out in a bit! This should hopefully make things run a bit smoother. We have already had two succesful Ops and done over 9000 damage. The latest was a one day Op and did over 3500 on its own.

Hopefully we'll be having some more pre-planned Ops soon. Keep your eyes peeled on the Orders section of the forum. Places are limited and these will only be posted there.

Pretorian Guard
This is headed by Azreal. Following a small reorganisation we now have two Companies here as well. I would like to congratulate Allen Webster and Siroe on their respective promotions. It has already been noticed on the *eSAAF forum* that things are starting to get busier. This is a good thing.

We have another pre-planned Op coming up shortly. Entry for this is now closed. As with all PG Ops these are purely weapons drops to reward activity and will not travel out of eSA. Damage will need to be recorded for those Operatives that get given weapons.

Keep your eyes peeled on the Orders section of the forum for more. Places are limited and these will only be posted there.

eSAAF lottery
You will probably have all seen adverts for the eSAAF lottery. I am hoping that you've all clicked on them and read *Allen Webster's article*. Just to confirm that this is a sanctioned and organised by and for the eSAAF. All extra funding will be used to provide more Ops and/or used to bump the prizes up for the next round!

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Ali Mentary
Chief of Staff