eSA Goals and Progress: Week 5

Day 927, 08:15 Published in South Africa South Africa by Ministry of Information eSA

Week 5

Every week we will been publishing articles about the progress to the goals set for eSA by President Mulderpf.

We have reached the end of our time limit! and 2/3 looks good!

Society : On day 927 have a population of 1641 citizens
(6% increase)

Week 1: 1554 Citizens
Week 2: 2877 Citizens
Week 3: 2427 Citizens
Week 4: 2151 Citizens
Week 5: 2124 Citizens

We have dropped by 27 citizens, but we exceeded our goal by 483 citizens!" />

Military: On day 927 own control of Limpopo
We have control of Limpopo!

eArgentinian Military: On day 927 keep control of Limpopo
what? I don't see any of that ugly blue on that map! Guess thats a FAIL (3/3 FAILs may I add)

Zoom in

Economy: On day 927 have a GDP of 2725 Gold
(9% increase)

Week 1: 2026.04 GDP
Week 2: 3589.13 GDP
Week 3: 2263.23 GDP
Week 4: 1968.28 GDP
Week 5: 2109.74 GDP

GDP has increased by 141.74! This was 615.26 less then our goal.

A word from our MoF Lazer_Fazer: "basically we failed to make a concrete impact on the deteriorating job situation in eSA. unfortunately it's a rather long-term project, so there isn't much in terms of displayable data, but we're getting there"" />

And thats the Last eSA Goals and Progress for my Term, I don't know about you, but i think 2/3 is a great amount of progress

I will be seeing you next week, but just not from the MoI newspaper 😉

Tpex - Minister of Information

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