Erussians are threatening to destroy eNorway

Day 436, 23:20 Published in Norway Norway by Anders.

eRussian offer

So. Who is promoting this offer? Who is the authorized envoy here? And where do you come from and what country do you represent?

This “offer” is not founded in eNorway – eRussia history. The only real information here is the threat of proposing an enormous minimum wage and 99% tax on every thing.

You are threatening eNorway, an ATLANTIS nation, that if we do not do as you dictate, you will destroy every thing that we have build through the lifetime of the eWorld. No one can work any more, no one can earn any money.

To conclude; No one can live in eNorway any more, you would like to make it a dessert, a waist land.

Have you considered that you actually are depending on our country too? you are living here, working here, buying from our market. When you have ruined it, what do you do? Move, where? yes of course to Romania.

Romania and Norway among many others, have managed to create sound and competitive societies in close relationship with their neighbours.

Long time ago we invaded eFinland and Your country eRussia, mistake or not can only be told by the history to come. But eFinland negotiated and got their country back and is now growing into a strong and sound society.

Why did that not happen to you, to eRussia, what went wrong? are you going to blame others?, do you think that is the way to get your country back?.

Because you have invaded our congress you have the power to destroy, you are destroying, not building up, ruining, do you know what that is?

That my friends, is terror. And if you continue doing it you will be characterized as terrorists.

The question is; Are you going to continue down this road or do want some of your country back?