eRussian Daily Review — 800. Thursday

Day 801, 13:10 Published in Russia Russia by Reviews EN" />

In this issue:
At a Glance: Should our country support Shaolin?
Comics: Those who don't exist" />
Interviewer - Borfel

Recently a TO group called Shaolin gladdened us with the way they stirred up a severe butthurt of the certain EDEN countries. Should such initiatives as Shao be developed and supported (also financially) by the government?

PoC_Zoli (Alexandr Sunbeliever), GRU superior:
- I believe that the government should encourage such organizations if their interests coincide with the interests of the state. Talking about financing, it is outside my competence.

- If such initiatives are useful for the country, they should be supported. But such initiatives as the first uprising in NK, that spilled over into Drago’s election, should be suppressed.

Luzhkow, deputy foreign Minister::
- That’s a good question. Shaolin is a private initiative of citizens, who have been made sick by our swampy government. They don’t demand money or fun from the government, they are trying to achieve it by themselves. They make fun for themselves and for the others, give the opportunity to anyone to approve himself, to participate in world developments. Meanwhile, Russia benefits and EDEN is blighted.

What our government, that is quite responsible for the sad situation in the country, do for Shaolin?

Not to disturb them, at least. Not to label them as «Failolin», not to put a spoke in their wheel.
Government that had no significant success after the liberation of Western Siberia, is not capable of creating or developing such projects as Shaolin. The only thing that the government made for Shaolin – it replaced Shaolin’s q-2 mine with idle state q-3 mine. It is less than a cost of attack of thinly populated region.

Romool, Мo😨
- For sure, we should encourage strenghening of our influence in the key regions of eWorld. We can fund the organizations like Shao if they will act in favor of eRussia, this might be some kind of government contract.

Icewood, the Controller of Supreme Ethical Supervision of Shaolin:
- All in all, as I have written in my article, eRussia has more or less acceptable hard-power, but, as well as IRL, we lack some soft-power. I think, development of MoFA and Shaolin-like intelligence organizations is the primary aim now, everything we can see in this field now is amateur performance, it's all done using the enthusiasts' money and powers. In my opinion, the state should work closer with Shaolin because we are joined by active players who want to diversify their eLives. If the government will keep away from Shaolin, it will automatically cut off these people. Guerilla organizations don't need full funding. Still, I we will have some support and a constructive communication between us, the active players won't retreat into themselves, they will work further for eRussia. If we keep on flagellating Shaolin, will there be anyone left ready to help the country?

Arschmann, the leader of Shaolin:
- I don't count on any support from the eRussian government. One time was enough. Taking 3 months to solve an issue that is solved in 2 minutes in Shaolin is not ok. So, we just work everything out by ourselves." />
By M--H

Official and regular publications:

Article for newbies.[+ Jilin]
Official newspaper Support Service 2:00. Jan27. 799.
For those who have a question or need help.

Information Centre. Issue №20(day 79😎.
Digest 10:00. Jan27. 799.
A brief review of current eRepublik events. Day 798. Russia has granted a q-5 hospital to Germany. Ollger has been banned. Twice. Here you can read about these and many other events.

Statistics Department
Number-lovers 13:00. Jan28. 799.
We have a Statistics Department. And it speaks through this paper.

Goodbye EDEN?
War analytics 13:00. Jan28. 799.
Geniuse analyses the world war policy.

A Morning Mail. Issue №29 (about them)
Creative 23:00. Jan28. 799.
The cases of the past days and ancient legends.

The official paper of Ministry of Defence 0:00. Jan28. 800.
Orders, useful links." />

eRepublik citizen laws. Part 1
Society laws 4:00. Jan27. 799.
Alexandr the Great (a lawyer IRL) comments game laws in terms of jurisprudence. As eRepublik laws don’t have much in common with world norms of the law, the Romanian creation has many ambiguous and illogical aspects.

Interview with «Admin»
The Official Paper of Translation Team 6:00. Jan27. 799.
The translation of and «Insider» article.

Teach me to be a reliable ally!
Neighborhoodly 8:00. Jan27. 799.
Alexander Sunbeliever tells about the negotiations with Ukraine and Russia-Ukraine relations.

News from the mountains...
Guerrillas 9:00. Jan27. 799.
Icewood reports that Shaolin has taken 6 of 13 seats in Switzerland. Moreover, a short eRussian history and philosophical story about the creation of Shaolin are represented in the article.

UncleDeD called for a conversation with the government. Answer this.
Conversations with the goverment 13:00. Jan28. 799.
Alexandr the Great answers UncleDeD's questions about the goverment.

RWA news
Official Squad Paper 0:00. Jan28. 800.
A recruitment is hold up. A zarnitsa-game will be organized soon. eHoroscope." />
By Borfel

Public opinion

In one of our last articles we tried to find out who are the people going to vote for at the elections. However, our staff (M--H, to be more precise) has forgotten to include the poll into the last article (before the vacation). So the number of answers is too small to be representative. Nevertheless we've decided to reveal them.

The relative majority of votes gone for the option «for CDP candidate» - 13 (as far as we know none of these candidates was elected to Congress). After that with a result of 9 votes comes «Another option». The third place is shared by «FRP candidate» and «I'm not going to vote at elections» - 8 votes. Other options counted from 2 to 7 votes. And only Sibirskie Jeleziaki («Siberian iron guys») had been left unvoted.

There was one more interesting moment. The option «For уЩ (uSCH) candidate» was selected 145 times. Many of the answers were maliciously spammed with the interval of 3-5 seconds. design, was it of your own «design»? 🙂

Today we would like to ask the opinion of our readers on the state financed Lana training. As it's known, soon after Lana was implemented, the Congress of eRussia used to spend some funds on the Lana training of active regular Army soldiers. On the one hand it had an immediate effect - the total damage really boosted up. On the other hand, the training program has shaken the budjet significally. The readers can express their opinion on this issue by selecting an option they prefer here." />
Columnist -- Two-Four-Six-0-One

Those who don't exist" />

Editor - М--Н, layout - ngineer, translation - G-Marvel, mogaba and ngineer, proofread - ngineer

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