eRussian Daily Review — 797. Monday

Day 798, 11:48 Published in Russia Russia by Reviews EN" />" />" />

As we have already mentioned in the previous issue, almost any article published right before the elections can be classified as promotion. This was also confirmed by the comments to that article. That is why today we only publish a survey among key parties' leaders. Also, the editorial staff of eRDR is going to have a break for the next two days. We bring our apologies to the readers, but we need rest.

People at the wheel. What awaits us in future?

The following questions were brought before the party leaders (party presidents as well as informal ones):
1. What awaits us in the nearest future?
2. What are your party's plans for the following month? What laws will you offer in eRussian Congress?
3. What do you think regarding Phoenix fails?
4. What do you think regarding the oncoming war?
5. Army of robots is at the doorstep. Will you call other parties for fair play, and will you try to heel your own bat-farmers?
6. Your wishes for eRussian Daily Review.

Their answers as follows:

sasha237, informal FRP leader:
1. Well, in the nearest future brawls with ePoland and eUkraine await us. As uncomfortable as that might be, it will. I am not a foreteller, but this is pretty objective.

2. Plans for the month are mainly to have a comeback 🙂. Concerning the laws, first of all, the standard MPPs and other, second, laws on normalization and regulating the work of the Congress, the government and the parties in general. It's all bureaucracy, but, however everybody avoids that, it must be done.

3. Disunity. because no one can play at all fronts at once. In addition, EDEN has a pretty big advantage - Poland. Thanks God, Phoenix is starting to realize that we have to cooperate again.

4. It's very sad. But we'll see. If it happens, we'll try to use it as a base for a baby boom.

5. My call is in my newspaper.

6. Pray for elections to go normally and humans winning 🙂.

Ars.Rus, informal DEP leader (Sibirskie Jeleziaki):
The circumstances were that Ars.Rus have been very occupied lately, but respecting eRDR readers he briefly answered the questions
1. New lulz and bot-adventures.

2. Unfortunately, we have been TOed by some silent individuals, that's why very few of us are nominated for Congress, so it's hard to speak about a particular party strategy. However, the ones that managed to get nominated are really active and manage to work for the country's best.

3. Everybody has their fails, it think it's temporary.

4. We won't have any important wars, only local conflicts. Large countries have made a bunch of MPP's that make any attack an inevitable fail.

5. On one hand, bots are evil, bot-farmers should be fought by their own ways. However, on the other hand, that would result in new active players' bans, who are fed up with bots going over the top.

6. Remember, it's just a game, you don't have to take it all that seriously.

Vladimir Jeleznov, CPSU:
1. Polish intervention, clearly.

2. Work, and work again! The situation is quite advantageous, and we should make use of it. As a party, we want to develop our party projects further. One of them is getting ready to be launched, we will inform about it later through press. We have a lot of plans, but there are not enough people to fulfill them all. In Congress: probably, we will make minor changes in the economy. We will ask our best economic analysts to see what can be improved. State reserves are a necessary thing, especially having the Polish threat by our side. We need hospital reserve, defense reserve, and high-quality gun reserve. We need to work out the military financing approach - we see targeted financing as a priority method, instead of abstract «pay-per-damage» and «pay-per-norm» two-click approaches.

3. I'm not quite familiar with the relationships of the parties of Phoenix yet. So I can't tell you quite much about that. After spending a day in the Phoenix chat, I can say that at least the on-the-spot coordination of the Alliance armies attack directions should be improved.

4. It would be hot. Probably, all our internal disputes will finally fade into insignificance in this case.

5. We shouldn't «call for fair play», we should better coordinate our powers not to let the bot-parties into the congress. We have already taken some steps in this direction. And we don't have our own electoral botnet.

6. Keep on reading 🙂 And subscribe to the President's newspaper .

Lika_777, eRA Nova:
1. Either February or March is going to be quite joyful, so, we have to wait... I think, eRussia will first roll into a big hole and then it will start struggling to get out of it. A rise leads to a fall, and a fall leads to a rise. These are the natural trends, and they are usually followed by a big amount of fun. And fun is a good thing 🙂. By the way, I suppose we will be attacked by the eUSA — and this would definitely be the time when we would leave our silly messes.

2. The party is undergoing the recreational period after the replacement of its internal organs... I think we can call this process like that. Now we're preparing a couple of party projects that we're going to implement in the near future. You will be able to learn about our plans in the Congress as they will be put into effect. I didn't quite plan to open my cards in this interview.

3. The first fault of Phoenix is that we are always keep a defending position while EDEN attacks. The rules of the «game» are always set by the attacker. If the attack comes from several directions we can't know where is the enemy going to make his last and decisive strike — and this makes some benefit for the attacker. Even a widely-known proverb says: «attack is the best defense». The second thing is that Phoenix lacks strict discipline, that's why the damage is «sprayed». It looks like the battle priorities are sometimes set in a proper way. All in all, the military strategy of the Alliance leaves much to be desired. By the way, I was very pleased with the recent liberation of occupied eGermany, where Phoenix was well-coordinated. If only it always was like that...

4. The upcoming war will be of great importance both for eRussia itself and for the Alliance as a whole. This will be a good chance to make «correction of mistakes» and to show what we really can do. I don't know what should we expect from this war.

5. My party and I vote for fair play. Unfortunately, not all the parties choose the honest path in electoral races. I think in terms of number of bots we, the eRA, are the outsiders, and I'm happy with it. We don't have our own bot-farmers and we won't have any. That's our position. Though, if eRA had another leader now, we probably would have some bots... But men plan and God laughs.

6. I wish everyone good luck, lots of fun and to reach their aims!

Raymond Cheung, The Cossacks:
1. Phoenix and EDEN clashed on all the fronts, and the process goes pretty much chaotically. It's very hard to predict something in such a situation. But, first of all, I think, we should decide for ourselves — what would we like to get? The future is know better by the ones who make it. So, I would suggest not to wait but to concentrate on respectful communication within the Alliance, and working out the aim that will be acceptable and interesting for the whole nation.

2. We will try to use our influence to concentrate the efforts of Phoenix in returning the high-iron regions that are now occupied by EDEN. Talking about economics, in my opinion, we should take steps to support our manufacturing and particularly weapon industry. Imbalance in salaries towards the land skill is unfair. My further aim is to swipe the eUSA away from the World Map. But this is the question of more distant prospects.

3. This question correlates with the first. Phoenix lacks a clear and consolidated target. As soon as we get it, the path to the unity will become easier.

4. The war is constant, I don't expect any surprises here. Unfortunately, EDEN still shows more solidarity and concentration then we do. This won't change with the wave of a magic wand, but we move in the right direction.

5. We always stand for honest elections and call for them, mainly because show a strong dislike to bot-farming and won't accept any bots in our rows. The entrance to the forum and the Headquarters is closed for them, but it's a pity that the game mechanics doesn't allow us to expel them from the party. So, the only way to defeat bot-farming is the way we go: refusal to collaborate with those who use bot-technologies. We don't have «our own bot-farmers».

6. First of all, to respect your opponents. Not only on the internal political arena, but also on the military. Hatred and attempts to insult each other make the game boring.

Since the survey has been carried out beforehand, the leader of the cold minute party «Cult of Hank» was also questioned. He is still an interesting political player, therefore we are citing his answers.

Hank Scorpio:
1. Hank is planning to strengthen the "Cult" and to spread a "Hank's Evangelin" worldwide.

2. Hank is planning to found a completely new military unit - "An Imperial Guard of Hank". Its unique features and incredibly cool "pay-as" system that had been thought over by Hank will definitely emphasize the unsurpassed Hank's intellect.

3. Phoenix is failing because its tanks are led by horse-drawn vehicles. Therefore coordination is suffered a lot. Hank suggests to give the army modern high-precision and fast military hardware that will be operated from the united Army Center.

4. Hank hasn't decided yet which of the sides will be blessed by Him in this war. I hope you understand that this is the only thing that matters.

5. Hank does not understand how it is possible to vote for other parties by bots, when the "Cult of Hank' exists. It definitely should be voted by living, dead, and robots as well.

6. Stay tuned. You won't regret it.

Editor - М--Н, layout - ngineer, translation - Kot Kot, ngineer and G-Marvel, proofread - vermicellion

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