eRussian Daily Review — 796. Sunday

Day 796, 15:39 Published in Russia Russia by Reviews EN" />" />" />

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In this issue:
At a glance: Hank Scorpio - betrayer or lulz-seeker?
At a glance-2: Military party — Junta or increased defensive potentialities?
Botnets: People voice
International news
Comics: Cool agitation" />
Interviewer - M--H

There are rumors that Hank threatened the Congress with the pledge that eRussia will hold only one region by Feb 6th. Do you think he is a betrayer, or a lulz-seeker?

Tatarin3333, Congress' affairs advisor to the President:
- Adequate person would not threat, but do what he can. I think Hank seeks for adventures and adrenaline. And he could find some. 🙂.

romool, Mo😨
- Lulz-degenerator. I would not take his threats serious.

AGolyatkin, leader of eRussian Army Party:
- I think these are empty threats. Man is just bored and looks for fun. Russia can be TOed with bots. But this is expected to be done without warning, silently, unexpectedly, to raise gold and convert it to RL money. This specific case looks like one-man-show / sperm intoxication / lack of attention to 17-year-old schoolboy.

kapushon, politician, founder of the military unit:
- Definitely the second option.

sanchoyz, politician, candidate to the Congress by eRA Nova:
- Hank is not a betrayer. He has always been that... "unique". He makes me smile by his unpredictable actions, and we, as a country, need this type of people - they generate fun and diversity, and keep your tonus.

PoC_Zoli (Alexandr Sanbeliever), Head of Intelligence unit:
- Hank is the first e-terrorist ever. You can not call him a betrayer, because he was acting for good - to stimulate the eRussian baby-boom, and to give a factor to unite for or against. But I can't approve his methods - he has literally overperformed. In any case, he would hardly get anything out of it, although, he would certainly try to scare us again.

About three weeks ago a new party has been established - the military eRussian Army Party under the presidency of the former minister of defense AGolyatkin. What's your opinion on this party's possible impact - the military revolt and a junta or increased defensive potentialities?

Romool, Minister of Defense:
- It's not a secret that almost every active player belongs to the Army. So I see the military party as a cooperation of active players ready to work for the benefit of Russia. And of course its also just some fun.

Orda, former head of the Economic Council, ex-President:
- The very idea of the Army as the set of battalions basing on different communities of active players (i.e. parties, shaolin-like structures, enthusiasts groups) is more than rational considering the game mechanics and the fact that it is actually the way all the current army has developed.

But what comes to eRAP... We see the opposite situation here - it's not like the parties or enthusiastic organizers are establishing battalions, but to the contrary the selfclaimed Army elite is using administrative resources (the Army forum, the misuse of authority) to create a party and to lobby its own interests. It is worth mentioning, that Golyatkin has abandoned the MoD office due to the lack of time, but he still managed to find some spare time to establish and support a party dedicated to himself (speaking frankly, without unnecessary formalities).
Unlike the other parties, this one is created for the open TO of the Duma and sucking the budget money. It doesn't have its own opinion on economics, inner of foreign affairs just because these are not an object of their interest.

On the 26th of January, with the new Duma elected, the President's team will return to the eRAP issue. We will take a big broom and after a one day ultimatum we'll broom those eRAP members out of the Army. Each of them will recieve a "potentially dangerous moron" record in the dossier. After that the problem is solved.

NetNazgul, former congressman, Steelhammer Digest editor:
- As a soldier and the second-in-command of a company I have already expressed my opinion in some commentaries and on the Army forum. The military party is a poorly (or incorrectly) thought over project. The majority of members of other top parties serve in the Army, sometimes on the top positions and can represent the Army interests in the Duma. The Army is a 100% government-financed structure, so it seems to be pretty illogical to spend budget money to promote a party which aim is to increase its own budgetary financing.
If someone wants to participate in the political life intensively - the top-parties always have place for active people. The phrases like "I'm not satisfied with the existing parties" only reveal that people like that shouldn't go for Duma.

Ratibor Redoran, a RFL commander:
- Well, if I could see any results of their activity. As for now... Nothing to say yet, to be honest...

Luzhkow, MoFA deputy:
- The creation of the party would affect neither the political climate not the defensive potentialities. That's just a PR trick to win the sympathy of the new players. The Army consists of the players of all parties and those unaffilated. But it's hard for newbies to understand the political situation, the top parties lack clear political programs. Also there is a lot of dirt, and abusive bots use during the elections etc - many of newbies don't even want to sort out what's going on. While the slogan "support the Army" is a 100% win, since who doesn't like the Army? The support itself can't be the goal of a healthy political power. The Army must be supported by everyone, no matter what their political convictions are or even if there are any at all." />
By M--H

Elections are upcoming, and the eRussian media is full of agitation. eRDR does not want to take part in political games (even unconsciously), therefore Chronology will list only official and regular newspapers. We bring our apologies to our dear readers.

Official and regular newspapers:

Economic Committee. Report to the general public. Convocation 25.12.09.-25.01.10.
Official newspaper of Economic Committee 23:00. Jan24. 795.
Report on budgeting

[eRussian Government] Staff is everything!
Official newspaper of Ministry of Information 0:00. Jan24. 796.
List of staff. Vacancies.

[MoD] Orders for the population, Day 796
Official newspaper of MoD 0:00. Jan24. 796.
Orders and useful links.

New-joiners article. [Up😛 MoIA]
Official newspaper of Support Service 1:00. Jan24. 796.
For those seeking help or advice.

Morning mail. Issue 26 (official) RUS/ENG
Creativity 1:00. Jan24. 796.
Hail eRussia.

Baby-fun😛 distribution of food and guns for novices (день 796)
Free stuff for new-joiners 1:00. Jan24. 796.
You can get a free food, if you're 0-9 level, and a gun if your level is within 0-14.

Internal Forces
MoIA official newspaper 2:00. Jan24. 796.
What is MoIA about.

[RU] Steelhammer Digest :: Issue XLVIII (796, 24.01.10)
Digest of international news 3:00. Jan24. 796.
International news - short and right to the point." />
By Borfel

Vox populi

Last few weeks were considerably rich for political news. We had TO of top parties, struggle for Top-5 position, parties split, etc. This promises that upcoming Congress elections will be a entertaining show. We ask your readers - which party would you support?

Questionnaire" />
Author -- simbakka

On day 795, we had yet another landing operation. We were helping our Serbian allies to struggle against vile Romanians, in the occupied Sofia region. Landing has occurred in Singh region (Serbia)

The order was to help Serbia to take over in this region, in Berserk mode, if needed. In time {T-3} sharp, our forces started massive attack with heavy weapons. Romanians have fallen, failing to struggle back. Their defenses were destroyed, and resistance wall was trampled to mud. There was no need for berserk, so the fighters have returned to their Motherlans, healthy and jolly, ready foir new operations.

Result: Region Sofia was conquered. It will be passed over to the rightful owners, Bulgarians, later on." />
Author -- Two-Four-Six-0-One

Cool agitation" />

Editor - М--Н, translation - vermicellion and mogaba, proofread - ngineer

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