eRussian Daily Review — 793. Thursday

Day 794, 15:58 Published in Russia Russia by Reviews EN" />

In this issue:
At a Glance: How to succeed in a shaky political situation?
Comics: Just for medals" />
By Borfel

Phoenix just made a sucsessful operation to liberate the native regions of eSlovenia, eGermany is the next. What should we do to succeed while admins are helpin EDEN and geopolitical situation is so complicated?

ars.rus, «The Bears» commander:
- We need a massive attack by all the Phoenix members, RWs rising and mining the economy of ePoland by working with low wellness. We're already doing that, you can check this morning Germany's RWs and our troopers there.

Kalimbo, former MOD, former Prime Minister, former eRussia representative in Phoenix:
- To cut short: dumb baby booms, until the newbies learn something. So, we don't need this pain in the neck. "They" have shown their laziness, inaction, bias to the enemy alliance and average players can hardly change anything, they can just slowly kill the game by leaving. Tactically, we must do multiple attacks.

Grendal Vlkov, a private of FRS Beta, the creator of The Morning Mail:
- The main thing is the activity of the population. And disciplined obedience to the orders of the army. This way we will smash every enemy 🙂

Sergius, the Regular Army commander:
- What is so complicated in our geopolitical situation? We have war as a routine, we sacrifice ourselfes and temporary lose some regions as it should be. But our original regions are not endangered. We can win if the alliance will fight mutually, but here we have some problems. Tomorrow morning we'll see can we operate joyntly or we just had a fortune smile in eSlovenia.

luciasz, For_Mother_Russia, 2nd "Phoenix" Elite Squad captain::
- We have to get the initiative and we are trying to do this by attacking Sophia and starting RWs in eGermany. If it succeeds we might counterattack in Europe. Moreover we have some plots about the other fronts.

Romool, Minister of Defence:
-Just to be organized and coherent. Yes, admins banned all eTurkish players, and there are the same troubles in eHungary and other Phoenix countries. But these have only united us. We suggest that we can win in 1 or 2 regions anyway.

Adalon, second-in-command of the HR, the 5th HR squadron commander:
- The answer is simple - to be a true, closeknit alliance. And we must learn it from EDEN. This is, at the same time, the answer to the second part of the question. If we'll be united, if we'll be strong as allaince, but not separated, we shall be able to negate admins interposal.

Mezzo, the President of eRussia:
- The current situation is really difficult. It's even more complicated due to numerous hysterics of the top gamers of the alliance whose lid has been blown. Now we need just to follow our plans, quiet and easy, with no hysterics, no slapping the doors defiantly. Now we have RWs in eGermany and we should do our best for the victory, because we haven't got a lot of time." />
by M--H

Official issues and periodicals:

InformBureau. Issue №13(day 791).

Digest 10:00. Jan20. 792.
InformBureau - brief overview of eRepublik events of day 791. Kotekzot wants to resign. You will find all these and many other news here.

Junior fund invites volunteers for procurement and give-outs
Freebie for newbies 9:00. Jan20. 792.
Duties: assist in the procurement, distribution and reporting." />

Junta Legalizzze 10:00. Jan20. 792.
Martials are jokingly reporting that they have their own party now too. Solvutions to all the military problems of the state are expected.

ЕБСТ! (One more hospital article) [BecmHuk США]
From the enemy's camp 10:00. Jan20. 792.
American analytics translations

The Gosplan economical plan: chapter I, article 1. (RU/EN)
We'll build a new world! 11:00. Jan20. 792.
Chief of the Planning Committee describes the economic trends.

Was this recently? No. This was irretrievably long ago. (Changed.)
Bane of our lifes 15:00. Jan21. 792.
Ollger is sad because he forecasted the Renaissance of eRussia a while ago, but we can see it vice versa.

Chebbba is gone for RL
The monument, not human-made, erupted 21:00. Jan21. 792.
tvorets tells about Chebba, her stake in the history of eRussia.As it has been pointed out in the comments, «De mortuis aut bene aut nihil».

Squad named after Chebba
Named after Ilyich 22:00. Jan21. 792.
The military unit named after the first Russian Tank has been created. 12 citizens can join if they have Strength = 10+ and Land skill = 6+.

eNKVD - reforms
Castling 23:00. Jan21. 792.
Mamil went to eUSA. diarworld becomes the eNKVD chief now. The organization's policies become more tolerant now too. They report only botnets and foreign mults." />
By Borfel

Vox populi

We're still collecting the readers' opinions about eRep's sore topic - botnets. The results of the survey will be published in the Day 795 issue.

The survey form" />
Сolumnist -- Two-Four-Six-0-One

Just for medals" />

Editor - М--Н, layout - ngineer, translation — vxbk, proofread - ngineer & vermicellion

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