eRussian Daily Review — 791. Tuesday

Day 792, 15:23 Published in Russia Russia by Reviews EN" />

In this issue:
At A Glance: How many immigrants do we need and what should they be like?
Comic Strip:IX" />
By Borfel

Lately we hear a lot of appeals from press to stimulate foreign citizen immigration to eRussia. This issue has become a relevant one after Phoenix countries' occupation, eGermany and eSlovenia.

How many and what kind of immigrants do we need?
Interviewer - Borfel

dsjnf, Support Service operator:
- Immigration is a synonym for activity, or having a certain, if nothing else, eLife standing, i.e. that alone is a definition of new citizens' "quality". And what concerns the quantity, eRussia is a wealthy and generous country, everybody will fit in.

Orda, former Economic Committee Head, e😜resident:
- The need for immigrants gets higher and higher, so we need anybody we can get our hands on. Experience shows that there is a high percentage of people who remain here due to a very high product/salary ratio, and gets used to (mostly) unreadable for them press. The best example are the one and a half thousand, if I remember correctly, Serbian citizens here. But forget the dream about compensating absence of Russian population explosion with immigration. Even at the best, the volume and effect are incomparable. This undoubtedly does not put us into the position of choosing "or/either", because the immigration flow and foreign communities mostly bring "public image" kind of profit.

sasha237, unofficial FRP leader, e😜resident:
- The immigrant inflow should be stimulated by jobs, money and army service. The problem is that at the moment we do not have enough money or power to stimulate. We need to attract Serbs and Germans. Preferably that should be top players, with higher skills and strength, although these could be average too. We also have a language barrier problem, most of them do not understand Russian, and we don't understand their language.

Fope25, FRS Head, the current Head of the Economic Committee:
- First of all we need military, that is, tanks. But that is a debatable issue. The thing is that we will not be able to avoid polluting media Some of the immigrants might get into Congress, that has already happened once. Such things really make the work harder. On the other hand, the bigger is the population, the better we are protected.

PoC_Zoli (Alexandr Sunbeliever), eGRU chief:
- I believe the fact of immigration is very positive. First of all that means an increase in the living mass and total damage. There is nothing wrong here. Let them live and have fun. They don't go into politics, just two-click for the good of VPK. Only profit.

HewRoo, ex-minister of immigration, ex-member of the Strategic Committee, ex-deputy of RFL hea😛
- The more the better. It's all, but you have to keep the following in min😛 migrants can be divided into three categories based on their origin: from allied, neutral and hostile countries. The optimal mix is when the citizens from the first group outnumber the ones from the second and third combined. It makes sense to target the program at either young (that can be made into a devoted citizen) ones or or the older ones, who got bored from living in their own country, but have valuable experience, contacts or business. I would not count on the middle ones, i.e. 16-20 lvl, because they are hardly controlled and unpredictable. It is important to attract young people from hostile countries to use them in the information war.

Lika_777, eRA party president, Congress speaker
- I do not oppose immigration, but I am not for it either. Engaging foreign citizens might be a good thing, but in reasonable quantities. What is the meaning of having a crowd of Germans, for example, flowing into eRussia? We are interested in restoring the occupied eGermany now. And, all in all, a surprising thing is... We think about stimulating the immigration of foreign citizens to the territory of eRussia. Maybe it's better to organize a baby boom not by immigration?
Considering stimulation, I think, let the ones who want to move, move... You don't have to stimulate anyone to make it happen. I think a considerable inflow of foreign citizens, just like before, is enough." />
By M--H

Official issues and periodicals:

InformBureau. Issue №11(Day 789).
Digest 10:00. Jan18. 790.
InformBureau - brief overview of eRepublik events of day 789. "Щ" party entered the TOP5. eNKVD separates from the state. You will find all these and many other news here.

Morning Mail. Issue 21 (with whistling) [RUS\ENG]
With whistling 23:00. Jan19. 790.
Don't whistle your money away.

Daily article for newcomers. Vote!
Support Service newspaper 0:00. Jan19. 791.
If you have any questions or you need help - read the article and contact us.

Russian Baby Fun😛 guns and food pass-out for the newbies (day 791)
Free of charge! 0:00. Jan19. 791.
Guns for 0-14 levellers, food for 0-9." />

Media Mogul campaign Slovenija gre naprej!
Humanitarian aid 11:00. Jan18. 790.
The author suggests to help re-born Slovenia with gold from media-moguls by subscribing to their newspapers.

Cossacks stand up! [Ru/En]
Stand up and fight! 13:00. Jan19. 790.
Cossacks are worried by their wavering position in TOP5. The party's head is at the steering wheel, not it's time to find good ideas.

eRussia Activity Development Doctrine
Theses 14:00. Jan19. 790.
Alexandr the Great expressed his thoughts on improving the situation in the country by reforming the government, creaton of a Book of Memories, promoting inter-party collaboration, support of newcomers and English-speaking players.

Hello to eRussia from eLatvia
Neighbors 15:00. Jan19. 790.
The eLatvian minister of propaganda tells about their country.

Insufficient funds
All for the sake of the nation! 1:00. Jan19. 791.
Sasha237 reports on expenditures of the gold obtained from referrals." />

IX" />
By Two-Four-Six-0-One

Editor - М--Н, layout - ngineer, proofread - Borfel, translation - Kot kot and Borfel