eRussian Daily Review — 790. Monday

Day 791, 14:53 Published in Russia Russia by Reviews EN" />

In this edition
At a Glance: Which party would you like to see on the 5th position?
Worldwide events
Comics: Parter is back!" />

We're witnessing an active fight for the 5th position in the list of top-parties. Whom would you prefer to see in the top?
Interviews by M--H

For_Mother_Russia, commander of the 2nd Elite Brigade «Phoenix»:
- The place in the top should be occupied by the party that is more active. For now this party is уЩ. We're fed up with their plain agitprops, but the Cossacks are completely dead.

Hank Scorpio, leader of the "Cult of Hank" party (ex-«FRP»):
- The Cossacks, for sure. Though they're quite gloomy, they're still much more reliable than the lulz-hunters. I haven't heard anything but self-content from уЩ. There's enough self-content generated by me in eRussia 😃.

Ars.rus, informal leader of the DEP:
- The Cossacks. They're tried-and-true, and we don't know what should we wait for from уЩ. At the same time, i don't see any other candidates for the top-5. I think we can say that about the KDP or the DFP to some extent, but they're not quite active at the moment.

romool, the Minister of Defence:
- Well, the FRP and the DEP are TOed now, so I would like to have a party that is ready to promote the well-known and hard-working people (like Borges16 and Ars.Rus) in the top-5. The name of such a party doesn't really matter.

Kasedy, e😜resident of North Korea:
- If I really wanted to see someone there, this someone would've been there already. I really doubt that уЩ is gonna change that swamp in the Congress. But they're better than the dead Cossacks.

Borges16, treasurer, e😜resident:
- Can't see any difference 🙂.

Tatarin3333, economist:
- Some nationalist party, to diversify the political life. It's a pity we don't have such a party. If we had, we would break out our favorite entertainment — war against fascists. We're fed up to fight only against bourgeois 🙂." />

Author - Nomen

Official and permanent issues:

InformBureau №10 (day 78😎.
Digest 11:00. Jan17. 789.
InformBureau - a brief review of the eRep events. China attacks Jilin. The real FRP administration asks not to worry about the TO. BattalGazi is banned. You can find all these news there.

SD :: Issue XLVI (789, 17.01.10)
Foreign press digest 11:00. Jan17. 789.
A new issue of the foreign press digest. BattalGazi is the main topic. The issue also features «One Line News» with the selection of the most interesting articles worldwide and some humour for a dessert.

The official newspaper of the MoD 23:00. Jan18. 789.
Orders, useful links" />

Russian Baby Fun😛 guns and food give-out for the newbies (day 789)
Take your place in a queue! 9:00. Jan17. 789.
The tough work supporting the growing citizens goes on. Newbies, take a place in the queue for food and bullets. Oldfags and businessmen - don't forget to share some goods with your new fellow citizens. Otherwise your country will do this instead.

Helping Germany in RWs
A speech of the German nation to eRussia 9:00. Jan17. 789.
The topic of occupation of eGermany is continued. We are asked to help our German comrades with full force, the deadline is the 23rd of January. After this eGermany may vanish from the political map of Europe for a long period of time.

It happened this week - Issue 5 [BecmHuk США]
Worldwide events overview 9:00. Jan17. 789.
AMepukaHckuu' BecmHuk posts an article of a famous American journalist Lieutenant Scheisskopf who thoroughly described the disposition of powers in the different points of the Earth. A huge number of characters may discourage an unprepared reader, but it may be interesting for the eCitizens. Twoclickers - don't read.

eNKVD manifesto to real people!
Our iron hand will drive humanity to happiness! 10:00. Jan17. 789.
These words open the article of our newly found eBeria, aka the heavy brick missile squad captain, aka eNKVD head- all these words are dedicated to mamil. The article is mainly aimed at frightening bot-masters. Pretentious words about separating eNKVD from the government are backed by pompous music. It must be the next to be separated are MOD and Economic Committee.

Girls, Stone Age and Hank
Another opinion 11:00. Jan17. 789.
Rejoice, as Dubna Isotopes brings some brand new content. Icewood kinda advertizezz eRep in eRep, the point of such actions is left unrevealed, and this kind of initiatives should be aimed at baby booming. But this is worth reading, he has a nice style.

Mamil Stories
Do i smell a James Bond here 11:00. Jan17. 789.
Mamil brings up the fighting spirit with his night post article about the cute and sweet head of eMoIA. Any opinion has the right to exist, the point i not to believe anything that's written on the fences.

CPSU apppeal to eRussia parties
Jews were walking for 40 years. Russia for 80. Is eRussia on the way? 13:00. Jan17. 789.
Pro-communist 3,14OHEP published General Secretary's appeal to other parties. CPSU offers to propose third-party candidates if certain conditions are followed.

Doctor, everybody ignores me! -Next, please!
Communists again 16:00. Jan17. 789.
TATARIN CKAZAL published the second article from the red party. The pen of the well-known writer brings us the details on our grayish miserable bot-future and bot-present, where everything is as bad to get toilet paper for coupons. Read and analyze, analyze and read.

African Wrangles
Black Continent News 16:00. Jan17. 789.
Having tanned, energized and satisfied Geniuse is back from Africa and brings a heartbreaking story in newspaper. He tells us about the unfortunate black children fighting for their freedom with no particular effect

God Save the Queen
Queen Mother indangurd 17:00. Jan17. 789.
Darwin's Theory once again comments on international events, now the cameras are aimed at England. British MOD has not only failed the operations on freeing Germany, but also put itself under threat." />

Poland Loses First Battle in Invasion of Britain
Author speaks on the situation around the first Polish attack on Britain and on the situation about the foggy Albion in general" />

International PTO Team
Some organization is gathering an international PTO team. As many observers guess, Belgium that gives out its citizenship to everyone may become their first target.

Message from the President
A speech of the German president to his nation. In particular Konrad Neumann asks Germans not to make ill-considered steps, such as starting RWs that are fated to fail.

Top Countries - Number of Fighters
Speaking statistics on the participants of the last 3 days' battles in different countries. Poland is leading, of course.

Invasion to UK and Resistance Wars Review
A nice illustrated review of the battles from all around the world." />

Parter is back!" />
Author - eFeniks

Editor - М--Н, layout - ngineer, translation - Kot kot and ngineer, proofread - vermicellion