eRussian Daily Review — 788. Saturday

Day 789, 10:42 Published in Russia Russia by Reviews EN" />

Greetings, dear reader! eRussian Daily Review newspaper has not been published for about a month due to several reasons. Some of those are sad, like being preoccupied in RL, or lack of staff, and some joyful, which are described in greater detail below.

First of all, eRDR has finally gained independence: we are now free from government funding and work on the self-sufficiency principle.

Second, during the vacation editorial staff has developed several new columns. You will find some of them in this edition, like Blitz Quiz and Comic Strip.

Third, we made the newspaper design. It is primarily aimed at making the reading more comfortable.

Fourth, we actively started development of commercial column in the edition. Right away: there will be no "jeans", i.e. hidden promotion. All advertising will be marked as such and placed appropriately not to interfere with reading. No promotional articles will be published at all. But, despite the harsh terms, we believe that potential advertisers will be pleasantly surprised by the efficiency of eRDR advertising. But let's not stop at this right now. Anyone interested should PM or skype( m....h3) me.

Fifth, we decided to provide financial support to proper newspapers in eRussia. We are ready to place links to these newspapers in ours in appropriate columns and pay for that. Main criteria for potential cooperation with a newspaper are informative content, publishing on a regular basis and absence of yellow flavor. Anyone interested should PM or skype( m....h3) me.

Well, it seems like that's all about our newspaper. Let's move on to eRepublik news.

In this edition
At a glance: Two Biggest Parties TO'ed
Interview: keks-n
Comic Strip" />

Yesterday two large parties have been TO'ed. What should we expect from the new party leaders?
Interviewer - eFeniks

Borison, previous Dark Empire Party leader:
- FRP leader can be expected to rename the party and serve lulz, DEP leader- to attempt humiliating the party. Nothing grand. Well, maybe given the probability of 80% the same bots will participate in Congress election. Then we'll see December 2009 continued, only the actors will be different.

Netnazgul, journalist:
- Hmm, well, keeping in mind the authors of TO's, probably, fun and games, driving our country further into the swamp. Hank's purposes are limited to some kind of personal revenge, which wouldn't bring any good for the party. Nevertheless I think FRP will remain FRP, because you need a lot more than taking over the party to destroy it. What concerns DEP, things here are much more complicated, because we don't know the authors of the attack. Although I do have a guess who that might be, will not name any particular people. I do not want to accuse anyone, moreover, I have no confidence in the answer. I guess the mysterious man, hiding behind the mask of a mysterious woman, will reveal themselves. The thing to be sure of is that we'll get pretty unpredictable Congress election results on the 25th.

Tatarin3333, CPSU:
- Change of the name, public image, loss of party popularity, final Congress TO. CPSU had an idea in November that helped to survive times of hardship. I doubt whether parties will find this kind of idea, which would hold people together for a month.

- DEP has an FRP bot, FRP has Hank, and as far as I cannot tell anything about the first one, the latter, Hank, can pretty much serve some lulz and bring FRP back to llife. The rename was pretty funny, although I do regret FRP a lot, because there were very useful people there. I think now parties can swap names, FRP will go from DEP, and DEP from FRP.

kotekzot, eRussia President:
- Follies. The ultimate goals for TO authors: witty party rename, unorthodox Congress candidates, fake president candidates, few comic articles." />

[VOTE] Help Portugese Baby Boom!
Che666a appilz 12:00. Jan16. 787.
Portugal has been wanting a baby boom for a long time. Now they have a chance. Anyone willing to contribute should follow the link.

Existence Governs Cognition
For Berlin! 12:00. Jan16. 787.
Another military division with complicated organization has been created in eRussia.

Continuing The Discussion Of The Exchange Rate Plunge (subjective view)
Baby boom in the morning, Lana in the evening 12:00. Jan16. 787.
Economic computations from dus_led.

PP Elections Analyzed, 14:00 eRep
Before the Siberian Morning 15:00. Jan16. 787.
Numbers as of 14:00 eRep.

Never Say Never...
A Broken Tractor 16:00. Jan16. 787.
Story about the failure to leave the game.

Official Ministry of Defense Bulletin 22:00. Jan16. 787.

Russian Baby Fun😛 Bread And Guns Giveaway for Newbies (день 78😎
Guns For Babies! 0:00. Jan16. 788.
Here bread is given out for 0-14 level newcomers.

_уЩ_ Total: WOW!
Bot-popularity Count 3:00. Jan16. 788.
Avror counted the number of votes for candidates.

Morning Mail. 20 Edition(веселый)
Write letters, send cards 3:00. Jan16. 788.

Full list of articles for 11:00 787 - 3:00 788 period can be found here" />

Keks-n: I'm fed up with politics for now.
Interview by MFRoDoR

The parties presidents elections appeared to be surprisingly active. There was a lot of noise and dirt yesterday with obvious top parties TO attempts. In the middle of the night, right in the climax of the election process our correspondent headed to seek "the сourt mage" keks-n and finding his target residing in a classified bunker he addressed him a couple of questions.

Time - 13:30 eRep time (approx.)

eRDR: During your eLife you had ruled a party, used to click the buttons for eRussia and eNKorea, you have invented the Philosofic stone and lots of other stuff. Do you have any plans for the nearest future?
keks-n: I had used to have plans of some sort but today I ceased to wanna do politics any more. The important role in this was played by the results of my experiment: the nomination of my anonymous candidates in 4 parties at once. I will probably do something to soften the upcoming crisis with Poland.

eRDR: Can you give us more details on your experiment?
keks-n: I was curious about the votes distribution.

eRDR: You mean, how many people would vote for the illicit candidate?
keks-n: And this too. Actually, we are having a funny regularity here. In DEP a bot with a booby blonde on the avatar is going on the second place, ahead of the Edisson's body (for those who don't know, he has given away his acc and my account. In other words, boobs on the avatar by far overweighted my >150 articles and the free bread and guns distribution. Simply the articles and distributions are the deeds of the past and the boobies are here and now. As far as I know, the botnet that was used for DEP take-over wasn't yet activated, so the results are relatively "clear".

eRDR: And what about Poland? As for now they are threatening to come for our souls while we troll them and draw caricatures in response. What's your opinion: where will it all bring us to?
keks-n: While we are living in this swamp there is no light on the horizon. We've discussed it in the Strategic Council in the morning, by the way. I believe that we need a president with a team of his own, not an inheritaged one. Besides he gotta be impeachment proof. For several terms the country is being ruled by generally the same people. It's not necessary to change all of them, the idea is that the President must command his team and not vice versa.

eRDR: By the way, talking about the swamp. What do you think about the design's project?
keks-n: I'm sceptical about it. I've seen nothing interesting from them so far, apart of the populistic claims.

eRDR: What are their chances to shaken the swamp and slip into top-5?
keks-n: 50/50. They either do it or not 😉. To be honest, I don't see any premises for that at the moment.

eRDR: And what can you say about the TOs today?
keks-n: Hank is assaulting FRP with his bots leaded by rowdy motives, I guess. If he succeeds he can provide some fun. eRa is having some idiotic quarrel to be honest. I've managed to ascertain what was its origin. As far as I got, Illuzia and Lika have taken a dislike to each other. There are not so many girls in chats, so each one has dragged the attention to herself as it usually happens. An insignificant scandal gradually developed into current quarrent with spoiling dirt on each other. At some point people have passed the line of no return, so the current "VR party" staff just slammed out of the party.

eRDR: However, Lika is going to defend her throne according to the current results (the final results proved it right - ed.). Will the radical wing of eRa Nova relax until the next elections or leave for another party?
keks-n: They'll go on quarreling of course, that's what this game is about after all. Im actually really amused by this fights over the corpse of old Blumen's eRa.

eRDR: There is an opinion that the top parties are mostly valued highly for the dead bodies, so the vultures will hardly leave eRa alone.
keks-n: Decent point about the vultures. This definition suits a lot of figures in eRussia.

eRDR: And at last, what can you advise to the readers of eRDR?
keks-n:Turn off the PC, go outside and go for some skiing. I strongly recommend this. That's a way better activity than eRep.

Here our correspondent bids farewell to Keks and following his advice goes skating, since he has no ski." />" />
Author - eFeniks

Editor - М--Н, layout - ngineer, proofread - vermicellion