eRussian Daily Review - 717. Friday. [EN]

Day 717, 22:34 Published in Russia Russia by Reviews EN

Time - eRepublik.

~14:00 716
The press attache in Duma and his duties.
keks-n in his fright attacked eUSA.

~14:00 716
Smile and wave your hand to people!
A lot about the war.

~15:00 716
We have a very nice president!
About keks-n and the buttons in details.

~16:00 716
eDOSAAF 3rd Squad announces the tender to supply q1 guns
eDOSAAF starts to use tender system.

~17:00 716
Hungarian attack on Slovakia
Kotekzot, a former Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs, says: we won’t let our fraternal nation to be offended!

~16:00 716
Gosling Tim and family secrets
A fiction about elections.

~1:00 717
There is an our man in Korea now!
A Shaolin president was elected in korea. Will he last long enough?

~3:00 717
Report from congress of bots.
There is a report of citizenship committee.

~3:00 717
Conflict between Hungaria and Slovakia
MFA’s officials still object to attacking Slovakia.

~4:00 717
The elections, Slovakia, PEACE
Romool speak thoroughly and calmly about PEACE/EDEN relations and the elections.

~4:00 717
Report of the first government assembly. [Day 717]
The cabinet is formed. keks-n demands a salary.

~4:00 717
Official declaration of

CPSU is against the new president.

~5:00 717
Shaolin, Moredan, FRP and others. The true story of e-Keks elections.
It’s sort of keks-n’s memoirs.

Other news

The elections results.
The elections are finished. Sasha237 has won with a little score. Everybody shits bricks about bots. As usual, the most of bricks are dropped on the winner. We decided to interview and ask about plans for future one of the most active and angry brick-makers - 4epT, the leader of Dark Empire Party.

- It looks like new congress starts its work in a very friendly and productive way. Will the elections damage the relations between Dark Empire Party and FRP?
- My personal attitude to some members of the party will be damaged. The relations between the parties won’t change.

- Will be there any actions taken about it and if they be, how it will affect on usual eRussians?
- Actions? Has something abnormal happened? I was expecting it. Luckily Sasha is a nice candidature for presidency. Though he is much worse than keks-n.

- Impeachment (or, maybe, a strike) was mentioned in the chat of Dark Empire Party. Your wife even wanted to cloister herself in a convent.
- Well, Mary, as any other person of the fair sex, is very emotional, so you shouldn’t treat it so seriously. There won’t be any strike. There can be an impeachment, if Sasha237 shows to be a bad president.

What strong and weak traits of the new eRussia president do you see?
- The weak trait is that he is not a leader. He is perfect “specialist”, as he could be called in RL. He is specialist, not a manager. It’s not a simple weak trait, it’s his strong drawback, the drawback that the president can’t have. His strong trait as a president is his party support. More particularly, it’s the support of such people as Carmagnola and Borges16.

While this article was being edited, some new concrete prepositions of the president’s resignation appeared. In his turn, Sasha doesn’t want to be an illegitimate contender and writes a confession. He doesn’t object to impeachment.

Bonus:eRDR asked a new eAmerican president several questions
Josh Frost won in president’s election in eUSA. He scored 1000+ votes even in an hour before the end of the elections. The editors decided to interview him.

- What do you want to achieve as a president?
- My first step will be to try to pursue positive relations with all countries interested in ceasing some of the needless wars we see.

- Do you surprised at the result of the elections?
- Yes, Jewitt is a very tough and popular opponent. I anticipated the election would be much closer.

- What should be, in your opinion, the future relations between eUSA and eRussia (and PEACE)?
- I think it Russia was willing to stop attacking us, then relations could be positive. However if they don't we have every intention of fighting against them. The same applies to PEACE GC. If they continue attacking our allies we will continue fighting against them. I have no ill will against anybody but I have no intention of having ourselves and our allies attacked.

Release issued by - M--H, John Cornwell, TPAKTOP, Mahorka

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