eRomanian Brainstorming Party! eRBP

Day 108, 06:40 Published in Romania Romania by elena.coman
eRomanian Brainstorming Party

(english version)

The ex Party Gerula is now named eRomanian Brainstorming Party!
The ideas of some geniuses are going to emerge to light, bringing a plus of colour to the game!
What I want to do as party president, you will see during my standing!
First of all, I wish to communicate more, to know each others as peoples and as virtual citizens from the point of view of the peoples behind the users!
Then, the imagination is very important for every man and woman who lives, breaths, who is happy or sad and he/she feels that he/she lives.
Those who are more gifted in the domains of eRepublik (social, economycs, politics, military) are my guests to come with ideas and the arguments will come as we go on.
Personally, I would like to communicate with all existing party presidents.
After a debate with the party members, my postion regarding war is pro!
The motives are from the game's point of view, so we can overcome this dull period... we can find out new things and we can learn how to react in this sort of situations, even if only in the virtual mod!
To sum up, after reading this lines aren't you curious what the button "Join this party" does? You are welcome to eRBP with open arms and with an open heart!
Any eCitizen is welcome in our ranks/party!

I thank for your patience and your interest!
All the good from the world to shine upon you all!!!! Thank you!

eRomanian Brainstorming Party
Party President Elena Coman

(versiunea in limba romana)

Fostul Party Gerula se numeste acum eRomanian Brainstorming Party!
Ideile unor geniali au de gand sa iasa la lumina, aducand un pic mai multa culoare jocului!
Ce vreau eu sa fac in calitate de presedinte de partid, se va vedea pe parcursul mandatului meu!
In primul rand, as vrea sa comunicam mai mult, sa incercam sa ne cunoastem ca oameni si ca useri virtuali din prisma acelor oameni din spatele useri-lor!
Apoi, imaginatia este foarte importanta pentru orice om care traieste, suspina, se bucura sau il doare ceva si simte ca traieste. Cei care sunt mai talentati in domeniile pentru care a fost creat acest joc-simulator (social, economic, politic si militar) sunt invitatii mei sa vina cu idei, iar argumentele le vom gasi noi pe drum.
As dori personal, sa ajung sa comunic cu toti presedintii partidelor existente in acest moment in eRomania.
Oricine are libertatea de a mi se adresa! Rog ca sinceritatea si seriozitatea sa fie la loc de cinste, cand se discuta treburi importante, care ne privesc pe noi toti!
Pozitia mea vis-a-vis de razboi, este in continuare pro! Motivele sunt din punctul de vedere al jocului, astfel putem trece peste aceasta perioada de plictis general... putem afla lucruri noi, si invatam cum sa reactionam in astfel de situatii, chiar daca numai la modul virtual!
Orice eCetatean e bine venit in randurile noastre!

Va multumesc pentru rabdare si interes!
Tot binele din lume sa se reverse asupra noastra si a tuturor! Multumesc,

eRomanian Brainstorming Party
Presedinte de Partid Elena Coman!