Erepublik V3! ( English update)

Day 1,072, 09:54 Published in Romania USA by Blaydh

M-am gandit sa aduc in atentia voastra cateva probleme care pot fi usor remediate..

In primul rand , ca si in V2 nu prea ai ce sa faci , nici in V3 , cu armele mici.. ele ne fiind ok , nici ca pret nici ca damage.. decat sa cumperi 10 arme q1 mai bine cumperi una q5 si esti mult mai avantajat.. cu toate ca nici damageul nu mai e la fel de bine diferentiat ca in V1..

O alta problema ar fi updateul firmelor.. din punctul meu de vedere o data cu el ar trebui sa se faca si updateul la stocul de produse.. nu e mare lucru sa faci o formula pentru asta..


I thought to bring to your attention some issues that can be easily remedied ..
First, as in V2 is not much to do, even in V3, with small arms .. them we are ok, even as the price no damage .better buy a q5 and that price is better .. Instead of buying 10 guns q1
although there's no damageul as well differentiated as in V1 ..

Another problem was that firms update .. from my point of view with it should be done and the stock's memory products .. no big deal to make a formula for this ..