eRepublik V1.0 - a few words for a new era

Day 330, 09:32 Published in Romania Romania by adi.furk

It is very important for everyone to read all 10 STEPS in The New World .
Searching further in Wiki will link you to the informations you need.In this article I will extract most of the BASICS of V1.0 , you'll just have to click one of the links bellow.

Wellness - what makes it go sky-high and what makes it drop and brake
Formulas - secret engine of The New World revealed

Productivity Formula


Trade Embargo
Country Administration - how can you rule and how can you be ruled

REMEMBER: when training or working, skiping trivia makes the result approximatly equal to the strength raise or productivity we had in Beta. Trivia is a BONUS that v1.0 is offering us if we wanna take it.