erepublik: trading without any knowledge - its like in real life!

Day 1,568, 06:23 Published in Russia Germany by eisenmutter2

as of today the financial system in erepublik is becoming more like RL finance. that is: nobody can understand it at all. everybody loses.

if you cant. then maybe youre landed in a game called erepublik

"As a new step toward stabilizing and bringing back the fun in the economy module, starting today all national currencies will be automatically traded at a fixed exchange rate."

how ist this calculated?

so all my dem i wanted to sell for 1.000dem = 1g were/and will be sold at a fixed exchange rate.

that means
until now i made 30.000dem = 30g = 39.000rub (with 1g = 1.300rub)

and now i will get 30.000dem = 1:1 (for dem->rub) = 30.000rub

see your convertation-rates

as of today
you deal on MM with different but just one currency because all currencies are now traded 1:1.

in practice:
you offer 1.000 of your currency and i see the offer with my currency.
you can check the monetary market and will see ppl all over erep offering rub because of this.

and i maybe stupid and cant see it but

how is the economy to become stabilized with every citizen in countries of high population and active players just having tons of one currency?

and how is the economy module supposed to become fun if i cant do anything at all now? before i could at least deal 10gold worth per day earning 5 new gold by trading...

you now what doesnt make sense too? admin logic.

its just like:
1. increase the possibilities to waste gold ->q2 training
but damn its just once... so... what next?
2. decrease possibilities to make money, this time with a longterm masterplan ->crush the stock market

the next thing will maybe be the erasing of military module because it brings to much gold...

for more details see this very nice article