Erepublik Rising: The Battle of South Australia [AUS v INDO]

Day 952, 10:00 Published in Australia Australia by Dean Kong

It was epic. It was intense. Australia won. \o/

But the point of this article is to say my views on the battle module. Having heard only bad things about, I spent roughly 4 hours in this battle tonight, and I have to say I thoroughly enjoyed myself.

The first bad point is that it's slow. Yes it's slow, 2 mins to move, 2 mins for the enemy to move. On top of that a couple people who were playing on FireFox (such as myself and NicoSianipar) had may difficulties with the module, having freezing issues, general loading problems and actually had browsers crash. This is I feel because of the flash application that the module runs off (my flash player actually crashed twice also), so hopefully admin works on this before the release of V2. But back on topic, a few people find the gameplay to be slow and tedious, but as long as you've got something else to occupy time between movements, it is quite bearable, even if it's only talking on IRC.

Secondly, the use of gold. BIG BIG BIG problem. As other people have told and most people know, Erep Rising relies heavily on the use of gold to give you an advantage. From working, to training, to resting, to healing (Wellness Packs +20 wellness for 0.5g during battle), the use of gold is a must. On top of that, to be any good in battle you need to have the best weapons possible. I heard stories that decent tanks can cost towards 1k USD or 2k ESP, for the average player this is impossible to buy. This will probably be fixed when the market stabalizes, or so we hope.

Thirdly, it would appear that Helicopters and Tanks are terribly OP in the battle module. The use of Rifles and Artillery are limited, rifles because they're cheap, but this is pointless when a Q5 tank comes rolling your way. As for the bonus vs Artillery, there's few Artillery because to shoot at a Helicopter is very difficult because they have the ability to move 3 tiles at a time compared to the Artilleries 1 tile. Also due to the Quality differences, the supposed weaknesses of weapons is barely there. Admin needs to make having the right weapon make a much higher difference if they intend to keep this rock-paper-scissors type battle module.

Those things aside, honestly playing in this new battle module was actually very entertaining. The way it's played means you know who you're killing, and you can even go after them specifically in battle and kill them if you want. Also, the ability to co-ordinate with allies is very fun and makes for interesting strategy. I must thank Viado Celtu, Scottty and RonnyJnrJnr for their company tonight and hope to fight with them in the future. 😃 Also I thank NicoSianipar and Silentrazgriz for their talk in #ausrep also, you two are too strong for me to bother fighting. 😛

For those who haven't tried the battle module for an extended time, or even at all, give it a proper go before passing judgement, for those who give it a good honest go it's quite fun and exciting. 😃

-Dean Kong