eRepublik Plus - version 0.41 (updates & fixes)

Day 553, 02:46 Published in Croatia USA by Troegenator

Hello dear subscribers and those who will become subscribers but have no clue about it yet, 🙂

Yesterday's release got some attention and I've got some bug reports as well as requests to update National Pages and Forums. So, it's all done in this release.

There were two bugs in wellness calculator.
One was minor issue concerning rounding to two decimals.
Another one was moderate: if you have more houses of different quality and more food of different quality, calculator was not calculating tomorrow's wellness correctly. Both of these are now fixed.
Huge thanks to those who reported defects and provided very useful help in identifying and testing issues. Even, at like 1:00am in the morning. 🙂

eIsrael and eSerbia pages were added to the list of National Pages and Forums and icons of two Third Party Tools were added. Thanks to those who kindly provided these.

Remember that policy of eRepublik Plus was, is and always will be to provide fixes in a timely manner. It's not a shame to have bugs in software, such is a nature of business, but it is a shame not to fix them or ignore them.

Another policy of eRepublik Plus was, is and always will be to provide polite PR and help to it's users in a timely manner, not to exercise some kind of repression or whatever. Dialog, not the conflict, makes things done!

Third policy of eRepublik Plus was, is and always will be the transparency. Source code is publicly available, you are all welcome to check my donations... and donate if you think eRepublik Plus deserves your donation. Thanks to all donors, subscribers, sponsors and supporters of eRepublik Plus.

Let me briefly mention some figures concerning eRepublik Plus, just as an interesting thing, nothing special:
- more than 3,900 installs overall, 1k installs in first 24 hrs of existence
- 396 subscribers to the newspaper
- 9 versions including the latest v0.41
- some 40-50 gold collected in donations

Also, eRepublik Plus Grand Tutorial is updated with the latest features described.

Latest version of eRepublik Plus v0.41 is HERE.

Greetings from sunny eCroatia,