eRepublik Players - Thank You!

Day 919, 16:01 Published in USA USA by Big Brother
A thank you to the community...
More than 2 months ago, we launched the eRepublik stock exchange. The response has been phenomenal. We would like to thank you - the eRepublik community, for supporting our vision and helping to make the greatest eRepublik project ever undertaken a huge success! With more than 9000 registered players participating and over 100,000 Gold flowing in and out of our systems, this project can be considered nothing short of that.

We would also like to thank the people who have chosen to support the site financially by donating. Funds will be used to cover server costs and encourage further development across the site. In addition to their upgraded ERX status, these people will be the first to receive notifications of new projects, beta invitations and other surprises as a token of our appreciation.

More than 50 updates/upgrades have been made to ERX since launch, incorporating much of the tremendous user feedback we have received. Yet there is more to come, including investor profiles to see what other users are investing in and upgrades to the portfolio page, among other things.

On another note...
Previous news articles indicated that eLottery would be returning, however we have decided to delay this until the official API is released (if that ever happens). ERX takes a full time staff to process donations manually, even though the eRep API already supports instant-donations/withdrawals - this feature however has been disabled, for no reason, since January 2009 (!!). In fact the entire API project has been dead in the water for more than 10 months.

The eRepublik team's support of our (and other developers') projects has been incredibly lackluster, offering no help of any kind, congratulations or even just a simple acknowledgement of our efforts - it reflects their indifferent attitude towards all efforts to make their stagnant game more complex and more fun, and quite frankly, we are not impressed in the least. The only thing that has kept us going over these years is the eRepublik community itself.

Lastly, the iPhone application, as you may remember, will be delayed until the new eRepublik modules are released (again, if that ever happens).