erepublik is corrupt...Democracy, more like mockery.

Day 1,254, 08:41 Published in USA USA by C.E.O

I've quite simply given up with trying to get anywhere in erepublik. I thought we were meant to vote for the people we like in elections etc? Then why is it the same people! Hardly anyone else is given half a chance. It seems if you aren't massively experienced then nobody even notices you, let alone gives you a chance. How the hell is anyone meant to get experience in the economy; take an interest in current affairs, if we aren't given a chance to get involved? Yes, so we can stand in elections, but you won’t get voted for unless you are chosen by the party's president, who will pick the same experienced people!? So nobody else gets a chance to advance in erepublik or get experience!

This erepublik has a corrupt government system.
Democracy isn't working.
It has no room for enthusiastic citizens who want to advance.
There is no chance that anyone can get elected without experience in erepublik, which we aren't given a chance to gain!


PS, by experience I mean knowledge of the erepublik, rather than experience level.