eRepublik International Press Association (eRIPA) Founded

Day 1,172, 11:52 Published in Montenegro Chile by NickName7

We announce that eRepublik International Press Association (eRIPA) was founded on the Day 1171 (Feb 03, 2011).

eRIPA Mission:
eRepublik International Press Association (eRIPA) provides help in following areas:
1) Information exchange between e-journalists across the world
2) Joint project collaboration
3) Promoting initiatives to the Admins and other initiatives in eWorld
4) Translating interesting articles.

It also promotes hard-working and talented journalists and objective informing of the e-world public in better connection between journalists.

1) Information Exchange:
We could exchange information through organized shouting, through links in in-game messages of the articles to be promoted and directly through linking of other articles in eRepublik newspapers.

2) Joint projects:
Joint projects could include, but are not limited to: journalist cooperation when writing articles, joint effort in improving articles with good potential, promoting good ideas in many countries of the eWorld simultaneously, supporting initiatives to the Admins for improving the game, etc...

There would be three levels of membership:
level 1: Media Moguls
level 2: Perspective Young Journalists
level 3: Correspondents and Commentators

For now, we have members from:
eBulgaria, eCroatia, eEgypt (Yemen), eGreece, eIreland, ePoland, eRomania, eSerbia (Montenegro, Serbia), eTurkey and eUSA. Among them are prominent e-journalists like: dSokre, Asklepije, Fremenul, Joe DaSmoe, John Newton, Josx and others... We expect more to join us.

We have also invited our dear Plato to join us. If you want to support him joining us, please visit:
and sign.

Our first, constitutional meeting was on #eRIPA channel (, rizon server) on the day 1171, 11:00 eRep time (20:00 CET, 19:00 GMT).

We also invite other prominent and young talented journalists to join us. What is the most important to be our member? Only one thing - to have good articles in your newspapers.

Please, join us on #eRIPA channel (, rizon server), we will be expecting you.

There is an open contest for eRIPA Logo.

Here is one of the suggestions:

eRIPA Logo Suggestion v.0 - A combination of eRepublik Logo and International Press Association Logo

If you are a talented designer, you can send your suggestions to #eRIPA channel.

Best regards,

Seven Navy

Original article