eRepublik Global Network

Day 518, 05:24 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Squiddy

Some of you may remember something I tried to set up a long time ago called the British Media Association. It was an epic fail, to say the least.

Well, here's round 2 of that project. I present to you in conjunction with Dishmcds: eRepublik Global Network. If you want to read in detail about us, then please visit out website:, if you are not too fussed then I will just say that it's a two way service provider that deals in firstly podcasts, hosted by myself, Dish, Rayf Drayson and a member of the eRepublik Development Team and secondly, news articles and interviews.

There are two functions to this website, advertising and distributing our podcasts and maintaining a news article service. It is the second part I would like to bring to peoples attention today. I'm looking for some people to join eRepublik Global Network as journalists.

EGN Journalists will help to fill the website with articles and interviews from around the globe. Positions may be self moderated or based on assignedments given by other staff. Over time we would like to introduce some form of news heirarchy where-by we have people in charge of specific areas and types of content with their own teams etc.

Rewards, well apart from having the opportunity to work with a very promising media team with huge potential, there will most likely be some form of in-game payment when we're more stable as a team.

If this is something that interests you then please get in contact with me either on the UK forums or in-game.

