eRepublik Dictatorship 3 FP in 4 Days

Day 1,246, 10:22 Published in Brazil Croatia by Obersoldat

Couple of days ago a sad thing in RL for all the Croats around the world happened.Without getting into much details on eRepublik,I published an article.In that article,I asked readers not to get into this debate in the comments,not to state what is about,instead of that to use IRC,to talk among each other.In that article I also published 15 revised avatars of all Croatian Army branches,editing in them in Photoshop a picture of the Croatian Army general,that the subject was about.To give silent support to each other in these harsh times.

I never insulted anyone,never wrote a word against anyone,based on their religion,race,nationality....or any other matter.Not because I'm afraid to break TOS of eRepublik,because I'm not that kind of person.I respect everyone,and I believe that you should look at every person as individual,and judge it as he/she is,not by which culture,religion,nation it belongs to.And if a person acts like an ass*ole,than that person is an ass*ole no matter the culture that it belongs to.

Why am I saying all this?Well because when this happend,I've put this revised avatar of my brigade myself and published the article.In couple of hours I get an message from Plato that I'm given a warning,my avatar is removed and I get 1 FP.In protest,I put up again the same avatar.In 2 days my article is erased and I get another FP.And today my avatar is removed again and I get again 1 FP.

After all this,I appeal to this decision,asking them to explain how did I break TOS.Because I've read TOS and I don't see any way that they could have punished me for something that there is no law against.Here is the text of my appeal:
Why am I being penalized for putting a picture of general of Croatian Army?This is the same as if an American would put a picture of Colin Powell.I do not see infrigment of TOS there.How can this be considerd as External Advertising,Spam,Insults....?There is not one word of hate or raciszm directed towards anyone,nor would I ever do such a thing.And please be clear in your explanation,do not simply quote a rule,without explaining how does this apply,because I have already read TOS.All three FP I've gotten are for this same thing.I await your reply.Best regards,Obersoldat

And this is the response that I've got back from them inside 5 minutes,not that they didn't explain to me,but they didn't even bother to qoute the rule again:

Your appeal has been registered and your case has been reanalyzed by the appeal committee.
The initial decision has remained unchanged.

The eRepublik team

This reminds me of countries under dictatorship where no citizen is allowed to have explanation for verdicts against him.He is automaticlly found guilty and sentenced.Any appeal is futile if you get an FP so don't even bother writing it.The button is only there to give you illusion that you have rights.They may as well remove it,at least it wouldn't be hypocritical.
This is the trial that you will all get.

Now to give you couple of examples of contradicts in the eRepublik what is regarded to be an insult.Think about it....its simple logic....
If a person puts a nickname or a picture of George Washington?
Well he is a great American,founder of USA,big historical figure.We all know that.But wasn't he a slave owner?Didn't he consider black person to be equal to a monkey?
I would consider such a person offensive.Don't you think?
What if a person puts a nickname or a picture od Napoleon Bonaparte?
Well he is also a great leader of revolution of France,fighter for fraternity,equalty among French people.But wait.Isn't he also a warlord?Didn't he subject nations by force and killed members of every nation who opposed him?hmmm....
What about Francis Drake?
He was a great British explorer,navigator,etc.But wasn't he also a slave trader?Didn't he plunder and killed native people of Africa and America and stole their gold?Again hmmm...
Same goes for Julius Cesar,Alexander the Great and many others.eRepublik has a weird double standard when it comes to what is permitted and what not.How can a picture of a democratic country general be considerd an insult?And pictures of warlords and slave traders are not?What about External Advertising?If a person puts a picture of his favourite band,isn't that advertising?Or their favourite movie?

Terms of Service should say this:

We will do as we please!!!!!!! Now efff offff biaaaatch!!!!!

I await your trial again....