eRepublik - Corruptness or a Second Life?

Day 1,156, 06:46 Published in Greece Greece by Rockisticus

Hello my readers!

Today I will talk about the eRepublik menagment. Rather they can be bribed, or they are true and neutral.

Her are some questions to the Admin (Plato):
- If you are always here, why you level the tickets (the contact forms) as Low, Moderate and High, why can't you just fix the problem right away?
- What's the problem to fix up the citizen ads program? You like God in this game! You can do whatever you like, why wouldn't you fix the citizen ads?
- Aren't all citizens equal? When a paying citizen (that pays eRepublik for Gold) brakes the eRepublik laws, he can't be punished! Why is that?! Aren't we all signed to this game?! Aren't we all people?!
- "Thou shall not obtain any properties or gains through illegal means such as cheating, betting, bugs or exploits." What, the Admin is not surfing YouTube? You just write eRepublik cheating or stuff, and there are citizens, WHO CHEATS! Can't they be punished?!

I just remembered something my grandfather sai😛"Evil fall beneath the Good and Great, but when Evil becomes Great, the Good fall beneath the Evil."

In a simple translation it means that, When little criminals are stopped, they can be controlled by the law enforcement, but when the little criminals are not stopped, they become big criminals, and then they can't be stopped.

Well, i'm not to decide your opinions, I'm just showing mine.

Comment below your opinion.

And remember, criminals must be stopped.


Ελευθερία ή Θάνατος - Ελλάδα!