eRep Troopers

Day 803, 14:00 Published in Germany Germany by Iseutz

Watch out: eRep Troopers contains mild irony!
(No harm intended, just irony in face of the annoying situation with all these bugs and ddos attacks in the last time. The admins doing a good job and do what's possible to provide a nice game. So have fun and don't take this article too serious.)

Young people from all over the globe are joining up to fight for their eNation. They doing their part. And YOU?! Join the mobile infantry and save the eWorld. Registration guarantees citizenship! \o/

Beware, this fight isn't easy, it's dangerous and deadly. There are bugs, millions and millions, denying our natural right to rule! But no fear, the eRep support is better than ever!

Unless, the global support alone is not enough. Bukarestathu, home of the bugs, orbits a two server system (maybe more, who knows), which brutal informational forces produce an unlimited supply of new bugs. To ensure the mere existence of our beloved enations, this system must be eliminated! (or at least the bugs, i'm not too picky on this)

But prior, we have to know something about the enemy: The bugs are superior in many ways. They reproduce in vast numbers, have no ego, have no fear, don't know about death and so are the perfect selfless member of society. By human standard, they are relatively clever, but their evolution sketches only over two versions. And now, they can colonize every module they want to.

(The bug is the one in the background. Think, its' better to mention this twice...)

Sometimes, the bugs are too strong for our brave defenders. Then administration admit, that they have underestimated the bugs attacking capability, when a massive bugarmy overwhelmed their lines of defence.

Accepting no responsibility for these incidents, none of the skyadmins resign. But soon, they outline their new strategy: "To fight the bug, we must understand the bug. Maybe there is some kind of bug, we haven't seen yet. A leadership caste, a brainbug!"
(of course, i find the idea of a bug that thinks offensive...)

To defeat the bugs, there are some very basic tactics to learn. For example the 3-6-flip-whatever. From the first day, your're joining the bloody eRep Troopers you has to know this. This will save your ass so many times. 6-3-flipp-hole!! Repeat my words: 6-flip-3-whoops! When going onto the battlefield and you're facing a bug, do this thing! Work-train-fight-heal! And you have to look like this the whole time, otherwise the headless bug bites you for sure and you'll DIE:

(technical note: It's your decision, if you look like this before fighting the bugs or afterwards, but never forget your helmet!)

Even if you some day face the biggest evil bug, that is somewhere out there - don't quit, don't resign, don't be angry on your administration or government. Always remember: Every single bug is more afraid of you, than you're afraid of it!

To survive is not the only challenge, when you join here, you knew from the very beginning: This mission always had a very low survival probability. And even under these circumstances are traitors among us! Some bugusers were captured this morning and tried today. While you fought for your whole eNation, these lowlifes selfishly seeked for their own profit. There can only be one sentence: Death! Live execution tonight at 6, all nets, all channels.

Despite all these old and future bug threats, we live in an eWorld that ewoks! So enjoy the pic and simply believe the message. Certainty is the absence of questions. Go on, doing your daily work, click and buy and sometimes fight the bugs. Everything is fine in Iraf!

High Admins of eRepublik - Keep reaching for that rainbow!
I know, you'll succeed. Thanks for all the hard work!

PS: I hereby promise - no, better - i swear, there will be no other parts of 'eRep Troopers'! No part three and especially no part two. Brrr, horrible... Instead i think about some article called 'A bug's life'... 😉
PPS: Copyright on screenshots and idea of 'Starship Troopers' by their legal owner Tristar Pictures/Heinlein Estate