Erep SIFO - Special report. New cities. Unemployment rate is up. Salary up and first chart of military strenght

Day 156, 01:40 Published in Sweden Sweden by Lahitraho
*** This is a special report from Erep SIFO ***

New cities has been added to Sweden. From now on they will be in Erep SIFO reports.

The cities are:
Aalborg 15
Copenhagen 50
Soro 20
Viborg 17
Veije 32

The unemployment rate in Sweden is up again. Probably this is a result of the new Swedes that come from former Denmark. [a url=]See chart here[/a]

When unemplyoment rate is up the avarage salary is normally down. But not this time. The avarage salary is climbing high again. [a url=]See chart here[/a]

Since april 17 I have kept track of the military strenght. It is very small changes but right now we can see that the strenght is decreasing. [a url=]See chart here[/a]

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