eRep politics explained: eSaudi Arabia

Day 2,077, 09:02 Published in Norway Norway by MrManiac

Good evening fellow vikings,

I just stumbled upon an interesting article in the eGerman media about the situation in eSaudi Arabia and thought I should share it with you.

It was first published in the newspaper of Hassan Salama, a former eSaudi who just moved to eGermany.

- Background Music for those who want to try -

Since I arrived in eGermany, the people asked me if I could describe eSaudi Arabia for them. The Germans knew obviously as much about Saudi-Arabia as the medieval Europeans knew about the interior of Africa. Therefore, I dedicate this article to my former eHome. I will try to explain the political and military situation and the relations to other countries as best as possible. But first a short profile about this unknown spot of lan😛

Languages: mainly English, sometimes also Arabic

RL nationality of the citizens: different Arab countries, from Morocco to Sudan to Syria. You don't see that many RL Saudis

President: officially no one , unofficially Anoir Kossentini ,I-G-D will work from 5th August on.

Minister of Interior: officially no one, unofficially Hazem95.

Minister of Foreign Affairs: officially no one, iBirello will be the next one from 5th August I think

Minister of Defense: officially no one, unofficially Venrick von Lucia.

Saudi Arabia was the victim of a PTO last month. The PTO'er Fahd of Saudia Arabia lost his position only yesterday through a president impeachment.

Due to its resources, Saudi Arabia often is the victim of its bordering countries. Saudi Arabia currently has one region (Mecca), One of the two marked light red (Jizan, al-Bahah) might be Saudi soon too. The rest of the regions are occupied by Greece, Turkey and Israel. Thus Saudi Arabia only has a 20% bonus for weapons.

Saudi-Arabia was created as a unique country by the admins: It's the only country of the game, where only one party is allowed. The reason for that is, some say, that a similar game was forbidden by the RL Saudi government because of too much "Western thoughts", meaning: Democracy. Anyhow, the game mechanics prohibit the foundation of another party.

Therefore, the comprehension of politics in Saudi Arabia is completely different to any other country in the eWorld. Every single election except the PP-elections are pointless, everyone knows who is going to win. There is also a big difference between the Saudi United Party and German parties. The Unity Party doesn't need a party platform, nobody has to be convinced to join. The Party is more like an institution, which gives you the chance to work in politics. You can't see where the party ends and the state begins.

The experienced players have divided the power among themselves. Everyone has his favourite position in the government and this every single month. Only the presidential office rotates between the five most important persons, sometimes there are also changes in other ministries. However, the President has much less power than in any other eCountry, he was voted by the grade of the PP. The PP's often run for presidency too.

Typically for Saudi Arabia is a very small number of players (max. 40 active players). This is the reason why the eSaudis concentrate on preparing a babyboom and on winning the PP-elections. A paradise for PTO'er, but for honest eSaudis a country between abyss and slow improvement. Not without reasons are the most experienced players very leery of newbies. Some think that there's a multi behind every single newbie, others think that there is a whole country which wants to PTO Saudi Arabia. The current PTO'er might be from Iran.

There is a supply system, but it isn't well-elaborated. Something like Common Hits etc. doesn't exist, or at least I have never heard of it. There are seven MU's in Saudi Arabia. I will present the five most important ones.

The Armed Forces of Saudi Arabia are the regular armed forces. Usually they also have the most kills, but that doesn't mean much in such a small country. According to a project of Anoir Kossentini, the Armed Forces are the MU of the D1-Fighters, however the reality shows a big difference...

The Commander wars 7, by his own account the first Arab in Saudi Arabia, is a big cheese in party and state. From time to time, he is also the CP or/and PP.

The Saudi Special Forces, led by Hazem95, are according to the MU-Project the MU of the D3-D4-Fighters. Although there aren't that many members, this MU is the most powerful in Saudi Arabia.

The Kingdom Air Force, actually the MU of I-G-D, should be the MU of the D2'er. In this Unit, the difference between theory and practice is conspicuous. The Unit is more like the MU of the dead. D2'er are usually in the Armed Forces.

Moor's Army is the personal MU of Nekor75. He didn't want to integrate in the MU-project, he has a strange opinion of personal freedom in other ways as well.

The fifth most important MU was my own. In contrast to Moor's Army, I integrated my MU in the project. I gave my MU for Mentoring and Babyboom. Like in other cases, reality was completely different from theory and only some of my padawans joined the MU.

At the end, I will explain the Saudi foreign affairs and the relation to the bordering countries. You have to know basically that Saudi Arabia isolated itself from inside and due to the high costs, there are no MPP's with other countries. It's more a fortunate coincidence that with the foundation of NaN, the Saudi government has to focus on foreign affairs again.

Let us begin with the three occupation forces Greece, Turkey and Israel. All of them are former EDEN-members. There is an agreement with Turkey, which guarantees the Turks Eastern Province, Northern Borders and Al-Jawf for free. In return, Turkey is the guardian of Saudi Arabia and in case a war, Turkey has to fight for their Saudi partners. Sounds like a bad agreement, but it is not. Turkey was strong enough to occupy the regions easily, even without a treaty.

Greece and Saudi Arabia are maybe still working on an agreement, more likely is that they stopped the negotiations for the moment. There are currently too few Saudi negotiators who don't insult the other countries during the negotiations... But it's sure that Greece gave the region Mecca to the Saudis, so that they got a congress. Actually, like I wrote above, the Saudis should get another region soon.

The relation between Israel and Saudi Arabia is weird. On the one hand, there are many Arabs who would rather die than negotiate with Israel (or even just have a conversation with the Israelis), on the other hand, there are some who accept the game as a game and RL as RL and try to find a political solution. These are the ones who have to leave the country during the Jihad, the defense of a region against Israel. For the majority of the eSaudis Israel is the archenemy.
The Israelis know about that very well and just laugh in their sleeves while watching Arabs freaking out. Israel doesn't care that much about Saudi Arabia, which is no danger for Israel. It is mainly the RL problems of some eSaudis, which prevent an agreement between Israel and Saudi Arabia.

The eHistorically best ally of Saudi Arabia is Egypt. The two countries have been in a union more than once, just some months ago another rapprochement up to another union failed, probably due to the resistance of the Catalans in Egypt. Many Egyptian Arabs have also been eSaudi citizens at some point, and there are also many eSaudis who have spent some time in Egypt. Moreover, the two countries are in one alliance (NaN).

Another good ally is Pakistan. The good relations became official through a treaty of friendship two(?) years ago. Since that time, the eSaudis support their Pakistani sisters and brother even without having a MPP. The strong Pakistani support in the battle of Mecca some days ago helped Saudi Arabia get a congress (result ca. 83:75 for Saudi Arabia).

The weak United Arab Emirates, under Serbian PTO for a long time, are basically unimportant. There are plans to get former Arab regions back, but because the interior problems are more important, the plans won't be realized in the near future.

Another good ally in NaN is Malaysia. Together with the Malayans, Indonesia fought for Saudi Arabia too. In return, the eSaudi PTO'er declared an Airstrike against Indonesia. Anyhow, it is obvious that the Muslim countries support each other in the game. Nearly every single Muslim country fought for the eSaudis in Mecca.