eRep Admins release Congressional changes: Read them here.

Day 1,765, 10:49 Published in USA USA by Candor
Forum Discussion
Wiki release

Official Pre-release, from Wiki:

Starting with the 25th of September the 2012, the citizens will vote for a Party instead of voting a citizen from a specific party.

The members of the party will candidate with the same rules as now to the congress elections, but they will participate in the elections on the party list.

The party president will now see all the possible candidates in a single list for the all the country's regions.

The parties that are in top 5 on every 24th of the month at 00:00 will be the ones able to have Congress candidates.

The party president will choose the candidates on 24th of the month in the following manner:

Every party can propose a maximum number of candidates equal to the maximum number of Congress seats in that country.

Set up a national list (instead of a regional one) with all the candidates in the exact order the party president wants them in the Congress.

This is very important because the chance to join the Congress is higher for the ones in the top of the list.

If the party president does not decide the order on the 24th, the candidates will be on the list based on the rule “first come, first served”.

The Party president can only decide the priority order, but he cannot choose to have less official candidates than the maximum number of seats his country has.

ExampleParty X proposes to its country a list of 10 candidates in a specific order:


On the election day, the citizen will not see the list to choose a candidate but he will be in the situation to take an easier decision, to vote for a party.

If this party will get 50 votes from a total of 100 votes, the party gets 50% of the total votes. As a result, the first 5 candidates on this list will join the Congress.

If the party had only 4 candidates then all will join the Congress but one seat will remain unoccupied and the country will remain with one less congress for that month.


Candor's reaction:

In theory then, each party would get proportional representation if members voted within their own party.

And that's a citizens only choice in a Congressional election, which party (slate) to vote in.

It seems to me, then, that in order to elect the best of all parties into office, all the best candidates would need to run under the same party, and all votes would be directed to that party.

It's kind of screwed up, if you ask me. It'll take everyone awhile to come to this conclusion, but we'll have to have an "official" elections party.

There went democracy entirely. meh.

We now need just one single party for elections, the only usefulness of the other four will be POTUS candidates.

AND you just made Party Presidents THE most powerful people in the eWorld.

ADDITION: And since it will be a bitch to move people to the other four parties and then back again for CP elections, the guy (PP) running the Elections Party will also, essentially, choose the nations "Official" POTUS candidate. The other T4's will randomly be moving up and down all the time, no real way to secure those PP selections. We haven't an active enough population to be that mobile, that frequently, practically speaking.

You rolled all the power to one guy, essentailly. All of it.

The new question to those announcing Congressional candidacies from here on out:

"What number will you be ranked? Did you ask your PP?"

Submitted with revulsion,
