erep admins are not connected to erep

Day 1,151, 09:39 Published in Hungary Hungary by Quicksilver's Ghost

Plato szerint a topic, amit az erepes adminok döntéseinek igazságosságáról nyitottam a fórumon, az nem volt erepublikkal kapcsolatos (huhh, érdekes, nem?), így törölte, kaptam egy FP-t és valahonnan content blockot is:

"My dear citizen, When I delete a thread, it means it's illegal, ok? That is not a thread about eRepublik! Don't post it again and we will be friends. Otherwise... Plato. "

Még csak az kellene, hogy ez az id*óta Plato a barátom akarjon lenni... ki a nyavalya akarná ezt?

btw ebben a cikkben csak leírom ezt, nem vitatom! Isten őrizz!


My forum thread about erepublik admins' judgement was apparently not about erepublik - says Plato with a content block and 1 FP:

"My dear citizen, When I delete a thread, it means it's illegal, ok? That is not a thread about eRepublik! Don't post it again and we will be friends. Otherwise... Plato. "

Btw I shudder at the thought that this id*ot would want to be friends with me... I mean who in their right mind would want to...?

Btw I am not questioning or debating it! Heaven forbid me to do that!

