Era of Statesmanship Gone, Long Live the "Brotherhood"

Day 1,796, 12:47 Published in USA USA by GloveisLove

So recently dear Fluffy decided it would be funny to propose this with the MPP law.

Now normally, I'd take every chance I could to make Pfeiffer look terrible.

Because he is. And the fact that America decided to let him be the unity candidate is plain retarded. Yes the #2 is a Serb-affiliate, but that doesn't mean you let your right to vote for the best candidate diminish.

But that's asides from the point I want to make here.

Do you really consider this offensive?

Negroids, I'm probably more browner than 90% of you and this wouldn't even offend me. This is a game. This was done in good humor. Like when you call your best friends fgts and homos, you don't really mean it, but you say it anyways. Unless Pfeiffer is a closet racist, which could be a possibility, but that of which I do not believe to be the case.

Anyways, the fact that the President of the United States of America had to apologize to its "bro" Brozil is quite sad, because our bond should be stronger than that.

Like this

The fact that this gathered such attraction, from a allied nation mind you, is a unfortunate reflection of America's image abroad. Our foreign relations are going fast-paced towards solitude.

But regardless, the past eUSA governments stood with you when the idea of CTRL was formed, and now that it has failed, I am sure the new governments will still be with you.

So be real bros, pts, and don't let one silly man distort your image of all of America.
