Equality for all or no one left to be different

Day 1,653, 13:10 Published in Bulgaria Bulgaria by eDarkAngel

I'll be brief

In this article: Beklenen Video - I'm Sexy and Bulgur Knows it

Kloraq has published this video

*The video has been removed, however here is a link to a picture from it.

**The video has been uploaded again by Kloraq! here

In the video, he himself has put the word "Bulgur" which represents "Bulgarian" on his crotch and dances around. I believe I do not need to explain the significance of the act.

This is not only distasteful, but insulting and xenophobic. It is however no surprise coming from the said individual as he has demonstrated his hate towards Bulgaria and Bulgarians at every opportunity.

I will not judge Turkish players and others celebrating under the article, as they're not worth the words I have to say. I will say this however.

As the act of Pedja a while back was vile and uncalled for and sanctioned by the administrators of the game, so should this. In addition a player who acts like this cannot and should not be an "ambassador" of the game.

In a previous article, he proudly displays a picture of a comment by him to Bulgarian president and I quote "It want change the fact of 500 years of slavery or your grandma's fate". (picture)

It has become obvious that if you're a Bulgarian you cannot play this game without being insulted and disrespected on a daily basis. I for one am not prepared to endure this any further.

Unless the admins take appropriate action against the said player immediately to ensure the ability for all players to play the game without having to endure bigotry, hatred, insults and discrimination on a daily basis, I will leave the game and encourage anyone who has been similarly victimized on the basis of his ethnic background be it Bulgarian or not to follow suit.

Either there is going to be equal treatment for all from the admins (Kloraq gets banned just as Pedja did, for his bigotry, hatred, insults and xenophobia towards Bulgarians and his status as ambassador is revoked), or we will enforce equality, through 0 membership.

PP Just another illustration of the depths one can reach on tha internetz, he even ordered votes for his article: picture
Pathetic is pathetic.


Equality for all or no one left to be different