ePolitic Termoil and Birth of the State's Union

Day 754, 15:30 Published in USA USA by Rithren

As a real American starting Erepublik, it was troubling to see one of America's only true international Allie at war with us on here. I was well aware this was just a game but it shows the true nature of what people are thinking and possibly the future between our two countries. I expect this will not be the case of war, but in the future I will be more cautions in my endeavors to London and Edinburgh.

This article is in hopes to show other American Erepublik member the opportunities that will develop in West Virginia as well. I have start placing money in my account to build another California and Florida to defend the East Coast from what has seemed to be a Canadian and British War. Once we secure our Original Borders back we I hope to hit London just as hard as they have hit us. I ask that all Americans join in this endeavor, and in the future help build NAFT into a power like the European Union is in real life.