ePlaygirl to answer any questions!

Day 495, 18:24 Published in Philippines United Kingdom by Meghan


A loyal subscriber of mine,whitelaughter, had given me a request for an article which was to answer any relationship questions you may have.

As most of you may know...I personally don't have much experience in the relationship field, but I can always give the female perspective in the most frank, open, and honest way possible.

If anybody has any questions please don't hesitate to either PM me, or post under the comments for this article. Once all questions are in (I'll give it about a week) I'll answer them in 1 or two articles, depending on the amount of questions.

These can be serious or total jokes (ya'll know I'll take anything) but I will answer the questions in a manner in which I won't get banned or have my article removed 😃 !

So please reply or PM me! (I'll throw in a couple of pictures for ya'll in the next one 😉 )

~~~ePlaygirl, a dirty paper with morals...like Fox News!~~~