ePlaygirl running again!!!

Day 519, 14:04 Published in Philippines United Kingdom by Meghan

Yo peeps!!!

I'm running for a congressional seat in Mindanao once again and I would love to have the support of the voters!

As for my brag sheet, I was your congresswoman for this last term, I have been active in the military (though not awarded a position) and I am ambassador to both the eUSA and eMalaysia.

As your congresswoman I would do about the same as I did last time to be honest. I would push for the hospital project (which has gone quite well actually), try to get more people to be active on the forums (any new people really should join) and vote on every single proposal.

I believe I have done an excellent job as your congresswoman this last term andplan to do just as good of a job next term!

I want your votes!!!

~~~ePlaygirl, a dirty paper with morals...like Fox News!~~~