Episode 3: The Dogpyle Menace

Day 1,937, 20:01 Published in USA USA by Dogpyle

First and foremost, I'd like to thank everyone for the encouragement, support and constructive criticism. I've never considered myself to be much of a writer, and still don't, but hey, this is kind of fun. So, thank you. Don't forget to vote, subscribe, and shout if your diggin' it. You (read I) will be glad you did.

eNews Review

Have you read any good articles lately? I have. Check 'em out:

A poll for the people:
If you haven't seen this yet, I strongly suggest that you check it out. Polls are fun! Especially when they don't come in the form of some jack hole waking you up from a well deserved nap!

Learn to speak Hungarian!
It's really, really, really easy.

There is absolutely nothing wrong with the map:
Or is there?

BuildingDwellingThinking, and then some:
Lots of time and effort went into this. Very well written and easy to follow.


There are all sorts of crazy things going on here in eRep and in RL as well. This would be a great opportunity for me touch on some of those things. It really would. Instead, I'm going to take a break from the serious and talk a little bit about something that is getting my excitement up in a bundle.


Yeah baby, can you feel it? It's almost here. See, I live in the northern region of this great country of ours, and every year around December/ January this terrible thing happens.


Ooh, gives you chills doesn't it?

"But Dogpyle, what's so bad about winter?" you're asking me. I know you are. I can see it in your eyes.

"There's sledding and snowmobiling and snowball fights and skiing and snowmen and..." blah, blah, blah.
It's also cold and there's all this white, messy, slippery, and evil stuff all over the ground called snow. See that picture up there? The one right next to the word winter. That stuff. I hate that nasty crap. I know, I know, hate is a strong word, but it's true. Bad enough I have to shovel and snowblow, but the worst part is that I have to put Thelma away.

The blue one. She's pretty, ain't she? ( the red one, Lollipop, has since found a new owner) This is where Spring comes into play my friends and co-conspirators. I get to wake Thelma from her slumber and take her out on the open road. No more sitting in my dank, dark basement (it really isn't- it just feels that way this time of year) brooding and thinking of what could be. No more looking forlornly out the window at piles of snow and wondering if I'll ever be able to ride again. Those days are almost over, and that makes me one happy puppy!

To Spring, my friends!