EPIC Primary Results: Dec 2011 & Tomatoes

Day 1,475, 21:40 Published in Canada Canada by Nosyt

My apologies for the delay in this. As you may already know, EPIC has chosen to endorse Addy in his third run for president. This month 4 candidates came foreword, James McNamara, Addy Lawrence, Wally Cleaver, and Tyreal Snow. 33 votes were cast in total, and here's a quick rundown of how they were distributed.

Now, perhaps this isn't as suspenseful now that I've already stated who wins, but nevertheless, since Wally and Tyreal are tied for last place with 5 votes each, we delete all first preference votes cast in their favor and move the second preference votes to first. That's 10 votes that will be redistributed, and it could very easily go either way, depending on what those second preference votes were.

You can view the actual Google Doc where the votes show up by clicking this beautiful tomato.

Names have been blacked out for privacy reasons~

So after moving the votes over, we tally the votes for round 2!

And yet again, by a very slim margin Addy wins the EPIC Primaries. Not only has he received EPIC's endorsement, but I'd also like to present him with this delicious tomato.

(Again, you can click the tomato to see the results of round 2) So until next month, that's your EPIC primaries!

Since the nomination button is arguably the most influential button a Party President can push, I am simply not content with pushing it only once a month. Some people may have noticed that, before I placed Addy as our candidate a nominated numerous other people For giggles, here's some screenshots of the reactions.

Also, see the forums if you're interested about the PP elections!

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