ePhilippines Forum News - Day 771

Day 771, 04:04 Published in Philippines Philippines by DepEd

1. The Department of Public Displays of Affection now has its own forum section. Here it is: http://ephilippines.forummotion.com/department-of-public-displays-of-affection-f96/. Check that space if you're DPDA personnel, or are just interested in helping ePhilippines reach 100,000 citizens.

2. His Sultanic Majesty Prince Terence II of Sulu and Mindanao is now our country's Sol Representative. So says Keegan, and/or Hekter.

3. Keegan Knoll and cruelbear are now the Speaker and Deputy Speaker, respectively. Late news, you say? I don't care.

4. Speaker Keegan Knoll, by virtue of consensus has approved my Motion Removing Soul Salvage from Personae Non Gratae List. Read more.

5. Non-eRepublik Discussions:
-What Are your Top 5 games ever??? (Non-Online)
-What are your other online games?

A public service announcement from:

DPDA Director and Acting DepEd Director
December 20, 2009