Envy on Success

Day 4,187, 00:10 Published in Netherlands Iran by Janty F

Excerpt taken from this post, which should be read and studied by all our politicians to better contribute to the positive environment in our country.

People envy the success of others for many different reasons. Some people envy another's success because they believe they could've achieved a greater outcome. Others envy success simply for the fact they believe someone is not deserving of success. Both are fueled by Jealousy and an Illusion of Asymmetric Insight.

The Illusion of Asymmetric Insight is another cognitive Bias where a person believes they know more about them self and their peers than anyone else does, leading to the belief that they know more about their peers than their peers know about themselves.

To judge whether or not a person is worthy of their success is to be ignorant of the fact you know nothing about what that person has gone through in life. To be jealous of a person's success is even worse.

Many people today find themselves being inadequate in today's society. Even when we succeed there's always someone else there to bring us down. However, inside of our peer groups we forget how much we have an influence on others. When we discredit the success of these people we can cause real harm. We become ignorant to the fact that someone's asking for our approval.

Many psychological factors can be attributed to this kind of ignorance but at the end of the day it comes down to one thing, being jealous. Someone we know is progressing and it makes us jealous knowing that it's them who's succeeding and not us.

Most of us don't realize we're acting in this manner and that doing so is unhealthy. For both parties. The negativity that's spawned from jealousy lingers like a disease that slowly eats part of each persons soul.

When someone else pushes their emotional spectrum onto your own it's hard to carry that burden. Instead, I recommend that you ignore that person. The more you seek approval from someone who has no interest in seeing you succeed the more you'll be burdened by their negativity. Surround yourself with people who wish to see you succeed, whom believe in you.

Janty F
Concerned citizen of eNetherlands