Entire Western Sibera Region Hastily Covered Up With Tarp by PEACE Officials

Day 706, 21:58 Published in USA USA by Hari Michaelson

Mmmm...PEACE internal bickering tastes so delicious.

-Hari Michaelson

"RW? What RW?" Mumble Nervous Indonesian Tour Guides

Foreign news outlets were shocked today to discover that the entire region of West Siberia had, for unknown reasons, been covered entirely by a giant tarp by PEACE GC officials seemingly overnight. Though no explanation was given by the sweaty, stuttering PEACE representatives as to why the entire region had suddenly been hidden away from the public eye, there was a hastily scrawled "DO NOT DISTURB" sign scotch-taped onto the mysterious tarp.

Admiral Ackbar, leading tarp researcher

The mass confusion at the site of the tarp only intensified when tanks from both Russia and Indonesia arrived loaded with a dizzying array of weaponry and wellness packs and, despite the alliance between the two nations in addition to their mutual membership in PEACE, became involved in a number of heated, and oftentimes violent arguments. PEACE officials at the scene did their best to both seperate the combatants as well as shield them from view through the use of a number of well-placed tarps.

"There is nothing to see! Pay no attention to the growing internal divisions behind the curtain!" exclaimed one PEACE representative just after covering Indonesian tank axllyne with a tarp.

There are 34 pissed off Indo multis under that thing

When asked for his commentary on the sudden disappearance of Western Siberia, eMerican President Gaius Julius only responded with bouts of laughter, right before continuing to make-out with the entire citizenry of Canada.

The Muckraker: Orchestrating the PTO of Wyoming. PM me for details!