Enquesta sobre efrança

Day 2,701, 12:59 Published in Egypt Switzerland by david g m

hi there!
would that be possible to publish and distribute this poll opinion http://tinyurl.com/o2o35kw to your people please?it is very important for my government to know what foreign countries think of efrance and it would be very nice of you to do it !
kind regards,
keyloraz vmofa of efrance

hola !
seria possible publicar i distribuir aquest sondeig d'opinió a la seva gent si us plau ? és molt important per al meu govern el saber que pensen els països estrangers de eFrancia i seria molt amable de la seva part per fer-ho!
una cordial salutació ,
keyloraz vmofa de eFrancia

Si voleu opinar sobre efrança endavant !!!