eNL - The last week

Day 2,051, 08:51 Published in Netherlands Netherlands by RikW

Last week was an, let's say, interesting week in the dutch politics. We've seen a lot of 'interesting' votes, articles and accusations.
It's intriguing how some people defend their party members even while the facts are clearly telling the opposite.

Let's say at first, I'm still fairly neutral, I think and hope. This is not the case for everyone and that isn't a problem for me, but some people could use a little more reflection on their actions and behaviour.

I've seen a lot of instinctive/primair reactions which most people wouldn't have made if they waited a couple of minutes/hours with responding.
Please! Think before you post something!

People seem to forget this game - YES, IT'S A GAME! - is not only about fighting and having certain viewpoints, but it's more about communication and image. You don't need the best plans to win elections/ become an important person, you need to have the best image.

Because image is everything, denigratory comments are normal. Offending and mocking pictures, especially when those are exaggerating are helpfull here.

For example ElGorro's article about Van Spijck with the picture of the Costa Concordia was a good find. Van_Spijck talks about himself being a captain and how can you better illustrate a captain than using a picture of a sinking ship where the captain made the mistake which made the ship sink? Does ElGorro suggest that Van_Spijck is guilty of killing people? Of course not, everyone should understand that this wasn't the purpose of this picture.
You could find similar pictures for making fun of ElGorro. Use a picture of Bokito that was broken free for example.

When replying to such things, remember those pictures are illustrations, satire, exaggeration etc and used to get attention. Don't focus on the insults and namecalling, focus on the facts/issues that could be done better according to the publisher. I see too many replies going on about side issues which makes the comment a mud-throwing-festival.

Please make eNL a better country by:
1. Think before you post
2. Remember it's a game and most of the time not a personal attack!
3. Exaggerating is key in getting attention in articles!
4. Try to stick to the facts in comments and try to prove them, this makes your comments much more reliable!