Eniga med gemenskap

Day 445, 00:36 Published in Sweden Sweden by Trisen
Eniga med gemenskap.

för dig som går osäker och vacklar om åsikter ?
vill jag bara give a reminder.

# DNS vill att alla ursprungsnationer ska få tillbaka minst en region av sitt land, om det inte riskerar Sveriges säkerhet
# DNS vill inte att Sverige ska bedriva anfallskrig annat än i försvarssyfte
# DNS vill ha mer konkurrens inom svensk politik
# DNS vill ha mer öppenhet mot medborgarna
# DNS vill ha en liberal marknadsekonomi, med minimal inverkan av staten
# DNS vill ha ett aktivt Sverige, med många icke-statliga organisationer och en livlig media
Democrats of New Sweden

DNS wish that Sweden should be an active, vibrant and free thinking country, a country where the word, equality and joy for the game is greatest. A country that puts Media, Economics and Politics higher than Rank, Wealth and the number of battles. A country that encourages people to knowledge about the game, activity and contribution to the development.

DNS will also try to obtain Sweden to move forward in the Media, Economy and Politics. Not be a country governed by the same party since January, not a country with 5 articles each day on average and not a country that goes in and out of crises and depressions.

DNS will also ensure that all the countries that Sweden occupies will be released. Not only because the country is a danger for the motherland, but also to allow them to play in there own country, with its own language and their own culture.

DNS builds its vision that all people are free, and they will do what they want, whenever they want and how they want - DNS want's to strengthen the individual of the society.

WIki / DNS

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