Endorsing Roby Petric for USWP President

Day 232, 23:57 Published in USA USA by Jordan Miller

The West Coast Tribune is officially endorsing the current USWP President, Roby Petric, for a second mandate leading the party.

Roby has shown amazing leadership since gaining the position last month. In that short time he took a dead party and raised it back up to national standing, organized a member base and programs, and lead us to secure a 4th place finish in congressional elections.

We at this paper believe that in this crucial time in its development, the USWP should follow the old adage "If it ain't broke, don't fix it". We think that another mandate for Mr. Petric would do wonders for the party, and only make it stronger.

That is why we wish him the best of luck, and hope he will receive a second mandate. Popular opinion within the USWP seems to point towards that outcome.