Endorsing Citizen HEM for AAP Party President

Day 319, 18:38 Published in USA USA by Jamarcus

I am officially endorsing Citezen HEM for America's Advancement Party President.

Citizen HEM is the breath of fresh air we need in our Party leadership now more than ever. Evan Bayh doublecrossed his way to run for President of eUSA. He has oppressed any opposition to his actions. He has demoted Uncle Sam and Ian John Locke IV for oppossing his Presidential Campaign. When they are among our most active members! Is that Democratic? Is that fit to be the Party President? Is that fit to be President of the whole country? No it is to the contrary in fact.

Evan Bayh's recent actions have weakend the party to say the least. Evan Bayh put himself before not only the party but the nation. This contridicts everything the AAP stands for. We can make his campaign slogan "Say Good Bayh to Oppression" a reality.

So remember a vote for Citezen HEM is a vote for Change!