Endorsements, LPO's, and America's Future!

Day 729, 17:30 Published in USA USA by James Roosevelt

Hello again from the great state of Louisiana! I’m pleased to report that the Federalist Party has endorsed my campaign for Congress. I believe this proves that I can build bridges, communicate, find common goals, and build coalitions, which I believe is so important in being a statesman and legislator. I’m am so glad that the Federalists and the USWP have decided to join me on this journey, and I know I won’t let them down!
This puts my endorsements to:
-The United States Workers Party
-The Federalist Party
-Clevinger, USWP candidate for Missouri
-DisDick, congressman from North Carolina
-Patches O'Houlihan, USWP candidate in Mississippi

Now, let’s go on to things more important than campaign endorsements. On to issues and policies that will affect our great nation. In the beginning of my campaign, I tried meeting with and talking too many other candidates in the USWP and some in the Federalist Party. One of the people I met was Clevinger, a first time candidate. He and I talked about campaign ideas, logos, and most importantly policies and platforms. He shared with me an idea that I really think is necessary for our Nation’s growth. He shared with me his brilliant idea of Low Profit Organizations. These programs will allow private businesses, the main employer and the main portion of our Nation’s economy, to turn higher profits. These LPO’s will be government subsidized firms, created with the intent of putting new members with low skill to work. As it is government subsidized and aimed towards Low Profits, it will be able to take on the burden of new players and possible negative profits. It will also be networked with the revamped mentor program to make it both systems more productive. This is a brilliant idea of Clevinger’s.

That is why I stand before you to formally announce my endorsement of Clevinger for Missouri! I am so glad we have candidates like him and I can’t wait to work with him when in Congress. I am so enthused about the LPO program that I pledge that I will work side by side with Clevinger in his attempt to bring LPO’s to eUSA, if elected!

Thank you for your time and please feel free to comment, for it is through our discussion that we can form a “more perfect union.” Thank you and goodnight!